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I had played R6 Siege for over a year on Xbox Series X without any major issue. I recently started playing on PS4 too (since Y7S3 started). Everything was fine, but the game crashes frequently after a game ends, just when the final kill happens and after the kill cam ends, and before the winning team animation starts.

I'm not sure if this is something that has to do with the issue, but when I go to R6 site, either on desktop or mobile browsers, I see my general stats but no stats at all about operators. And most of the trophies that are related to playing or winning rounds with pathfinder operators are not being unlocked. For example, there's a couple of trophies for playing 10 matches as one pathfinder operator (one for defense, one for offense), and none of them are being unlocked.

How can I see my progress towards the trophies if stats don't work? Could it be related to the game crashes, so data is not correct or synchronized somehow?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Havoc - Direct link

@Nazul-net Hey there thanks for raising this issue with us. This is an interesting tandem of issues. I am passing along your report of the Operator stats being missing on the website to our game teams to investigate! Currently our teams are working to address crashing issues being reported on console. To help rule out any blips in your direct connection to the game service to keep your data synced could you please complete the connectivity steps listed in the FAQ here? Let me know if any stats or trophies remain missing. 😊

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Thank you for reporting this to us @Nazul-net

We will raise this with our Siege team to look into, so far this is the only report I have seen about this from a Playstation player, so thank you for bringing this to our attention. Please stay tuned for any more follow-up questions our Siege team may want to ask you.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Auron - Direct link

Hey @Saurvivalist and welcome to our forums!

Thanks for flagging this. Just to confirm - are you only seeing issues with progress towards trophies or are also experiencing crashes in the game?