about 3 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Originally Posted by guest-zOnIcG2S
Why is console so poorly treated, you guys only care about pc by giving it new things like match replay But with console we don't get any of that i am ddosed constantly and not giving rollback for it. Your Biggest Community is on Console and you don't care about it. I see people getting banned on PC for Toxic Behavior like Toxic Behavior But on Console No one gets banned. I see PC Players getting banned every minute but on console you'll see a ban wave every couple of months. You don't try to work with sony or microsoft to detect the Xim or the Macros. You don't ban people for anything except when the ddos attack is affecting your severs. You don't care, you don't try to update Battleye you just leave it there for it to do NOTHING and when you reply to these threads you say "sorry we are not able to give elo rollback". I am put with Level 200s and Level 300s on my team that go negative. You guys don't even try to give people back their mmr you just leave it until it effects you. You say there is skilled based matchmaking but i am put on a team with a player who has been playing for 2 weeks. You guys just don't care and the more you don't care the more your game will die like how it is dying right now you peak in Phantom Sight because you cared about the games life but now you don't cause you are making money off battlepass that has trash cosmetics and skins.
Hey guest-zOnIcG2S, thanks for reaching out and sharing your feedback. I can see you've put extensive post on a number of issues so I will try to break it down for you:

1. In regards to DDOS report - these are being treated equally the same as they are on PC.

If you do have details of the game(s) you've mentioned, or if you ever encounter similar activity in the future again, can you get back to us by providing the following details:

• When did this happen (exact time if possible)
• Name of the player responsible for the server stressing (if you managed to identify)
• Any video link is useful

This will allow us to investigate the matter further and take action accordingly.

Please do mind that it is against our forum rules to be reporting players through here, therefore for such matters, get through to us via one of the following channels, based on your personal preference:

Support website

2. MMR - in relation to MMR being returned, again - this is exactly the same case between the platforms and I am afraid that as of right now, we're unable to manually adjust it for either.

3. As far as skill based matchmaking goes, this is quite a complex topic and in order to clarify as to what things are being taken into account when you're being matched up with other players, have a look at the following article. If you do however have any suggestions or feedback on how this can be improved, let us know and we will make sure it gets passed accordingly.

If you do have any follow up queries, let us know and we will take it from there.