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I am wondering if I can get banned for using VPN while playing Siege? I live in the US and in early morning hours queue times are abysmal. I often play with my friends in Europe anyway, accepting the higher ping. However, when they're not playing and I decide to play myself, would using VPN to switch to a EU server get me banned?
Ubisoft has an article recommending caution but that's about that. Is there any other bit of info I am missing?

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Viral - Direct link

@tyrolek Hey! Thank you for getting in touch about the use of VPN in Ubisoft games. Ubisoft strongly recommends that players avoid the use of VPN services. Players who decide to use VPN do so at their own discretion while being aware of the potential risks associated. 

You can find more information on this here.

If you are experiencing long loading times you can manually change your data center here. This will allow you to connect to others outside of your region without the use of a VPN.

If you need anything further please let us know.

Thank you.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Viral - Direct link

@tyrolek Hey! Thank you for getting in touch about the use of VPN in Ubisoft games. Ubisoft strongly recommends that players avoid the use of VPN services. Players who decide to use VPN do so at their own discretion while being aware of the potential risks associated. 

You can find more information on this here.

If you are experiencing long loading times you can manually change your data center here. This will allow you to connect to others outside of your region without the use of a VPN.

If you need anything further please let us know.

Thank you.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Viral - Direct link

@tyrolek If you need anything else please get back in touch.

Thank you.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Viral - Direct link

@parashistik Hi there, as I have advised above the use of a VPN is at a players discretion and the risk of a ban still remains.

Please use the link above to find more information on this.

Thank you.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Nacho - Direct link

@difficultcggo Hi there.

Thanks for posting your question here.

Regrettably, we're unable to further share information on VPN use and how this affects our services, in order to maintain integrity to our internal systems.

Apologies if this was not the answer you were hoping for.

If you have any other queries, please be in touch.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello difficultcggo, thank you for your question. We advise against using VPNs to play our online multiplayer games as a caution, as it may cause issues with connectivity or interference that we are unable to resolve. Please see our guide posted previously by Ubi-Viral for more information on the usage of VPNs >