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Minding my own buisness playing ranked with only a few dafuq moments, nothing out of the ordinary so far. my game came to completion and i received my rewards as per normal. Thats where everything starts going down hill. I reconnected to my friend after being randomly kicked (so it seemed) from his lobby. We proceeded to start a ranked and near to instantly after selected buck I received this...

Removed from match
rainbow six siege error code (2-0x00019008)

You have been kicked out of the game by batteleye. Reason Bad service version



After abandoning my friend who later sadly deranked i decided to pass the time with casual. i enter my first game and select Buck yet again. only to be welcomed back into this game yet again by a glitch. the black screen glitch to be exact. making the game i paid for unplayable. i type in chat to let my team know whats up and i think i aimed into the sky (coz i couldnt see) and stalled time firing my gun and moving around to avoid a kick.


About 30s later I was giving a notice on screen that told me i was now banned from playing Rank for an abandon sanction.. Great.

suspension due to abandon sanction
you are currently suspended from ranked pay for 15 minutes due to inactivity. you will also incur a -50% renown penalty during the suspension period

O....K..... Mate


and here I am waiting for a ban that was given with justifiable reason to expire. i understand BRO!!! its only 15 mins but mate I paid a fair bit for this game and dont apreciate how much it screws it own players over. Take this for example what I've i had prior bans due to accidental team kills. that could have been the ban that threw the player over the limit and receive a perma ban.


Luckily I have a clean record (surprisingly enough )
thank you for reading.
I hope to hear from you soon.

Yes im a lil triggered rn
over 5 years ago - UbiGabrinth - Direct link
I'm sorry to hear you were kicked from the game due to this error. I recommend that you perform the steps in our BattlEye troubleshooting FAQ.

Please note that team kill temp bans and BattlEye temp bans are completely unrelated. Getting toxicity bans or team kill bans will not increase in any way the likelihood of getting a permanent BattlEye ban. You will get a permanent BattlEye ban if the system detects cheats on your computer.
over 5 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
@Pablu.ShinY Did you both go through the BattlEye FAQ?
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Woofer - Direct link
Originally Posted by NanBulldozer69
i hope you understand that every soul thats had this problem has clicked on this forum looked at the battleye faq and found nothing you cant expect people to find answers to a new problem on an old battleye faq
Would you mind clarifying for me the exact issue(s) you are experiencing at this time, NanBulldozer69? We would not expect players to look for solutions for new issues on old threads, it is true (the last post in this thread before yours was from January 2019)

The support article previously linked to contains a lot of valuable information about BattlEye and how it works on your system. Reinstalling BattlEye itself is a valid troubleshooting step if you are experiencing a lot of BattlEye-related errors, as well as reinstalling Uplay PC. Ensure to run BattlEye and Uplay PC with adminstrator permissions afterward.

I'll be happy to investigate further with you if you can complete the advised troubleshooting, and let me know as much information about the issue(s) you are experiencing as possible. It may be best for you to create a separate thread of your own to address these issue(s), as this thread is older, as mentioned.