Original Post — Direct link
Hello, i've been having for one entire year texture stretching, and it only seems to be getting worse, plus it is giving me huge disanvatages because i can't see anything, i would like to know if it is a bug or a problem with my system.

Specs :

8GB Ram
Intel i3-6006u
Intel HD Graphics 520
Windows 10 - 2004 update ( but i had issues on 1909 too )
DirectX 12
All drivers up to date

over 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hello Stritious, thank you for getting in contact.

I believe this issue may be occurring because of your Notebooks graphics card.

Your Intel GPU is the equivalent to a GeForce 820M but in order to run the game at spec, you need would need a GeForce GTX 460M GPU, which would be the equivalent of a Intel Iris 6100 I beleive.

(Ubisoft only tends to benchmark our games by testing Nvidia or AMD graphics cards at this point)

Please see this article for more information on laptop GPU's -
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hey Stritious,

Not a problem and thanks for getting back to me. There are some tricks you can perform in the games settings by editing and lowering certain options.

You could try and heighten your graphical fidelity, at the cost of lowering your FPS? It depends what is the most important to you I think. Graphics or FPS if you are not able to run both at the moment on your system.

Usually for performance and graphical issues, we will ask players to follow all the steps in this guide, I believe they will all be relevant to you on a laptop also -

Have you been able to try non Vulkan mode Siege when you launch it through Uplay?
over 4 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Originally Posted by Stritious
Changed my thermal paste and also found out i had a big chunk of dust blocking the ventilation exit, not passing 60ºC so my fps way more stable and has no fps drop, and the stretching texture seems to be way more rare but i still found it, but i also found that it seems to be a LOD issue, when i get close to the stretched object it gets correct when i get close

Very Far : https://imgur.com/4uPbbiW

Far : https://imgur.com/ThaEhQB

Close : https://imgur.com/pynGZ52
Thank you for your detailed updates.

It is great to hear you have managed to achieve what sounds like a playable experience. As the laptop is below minimum specs all troubleshooting we do are purely at best efforts and this may now be the best achievable with your current setup.
over 4 years ago - UBI-Froggard - Direct link
Thanks for the info and I'm glad it's better than it was originally for you now