Original Post — Direct link
After the server came back up i lost all of my unlocked operators and i have to re-purchase them to be able to use them again.
Edit: After restarting the game everything came back
over 7 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link
Originally Posted by Gjip
After the server came back up i lost all of my unlocked operators and i have to re-purchase them to be able to use them again.
Edit: After restarting the game everything came back
This is caused by a connection issue. If your account is not synced correctly it will not show the operators that you own. If this does happen again please restart the game as you did previously and this should resolve this.

I would also recommend following the connectivity troubleshooting steps for your platform (PC, PS4, Xbox One) to ensure you have the best possible connection.
about 7 years ago - Ubi-Baron - Direct link
Originally Posted by ob1ivi0nubi
Im still missing operators specifically dlc ones even though i had them before the update i tried restarting my game but that hasn't worked haven't restarted my uplay though so ill try that.
Thank you for reporting this to us, were you successful in getting the Operators back or are they still missing?

about 7 years ago - Ubi-Baron - Direct link
I'm sorry to hear that, VectorCorrector

If they are still missing, and if you haven't already, please check to see if you need to re-download the content. You can find steps on getting this here

Thank you
over 6 years ago - Ubi-Baron - Direct link
Hi Mufinz07,

What platform is this on?
about 5 years ago - Ubi-Woofer - Direct link
Hello everyone,

I am sorry to hear of your issues with missing content. If restarting the game does not resolve these, and connectivity troubleshooting for your platform (PlayStation 4 / Xbox One) does not improve your situation either, before contacting us in a support case, please check that the content is eligible to be shared. Our pinned thread for missing content on consoles explains which content is shareable in the first post.

Originally Posted by dtx9millhawk
I bought the deluxe bundle on PS4 so I have all season pass operators. But the basic/standard operators are all locked. > How do I fix this?
If your purchase was made in November 2019 (around the time of your post), dtx9millhawk, the base 20 operators are not unlocked by default. The Year 4 Editions of Rainbow Six Siege saw the return of the legacy unlock system, whereby the base 20 operators are unlocked with Renown earned through in-game progression.

Originally Posted by A1Purplehaze
I even restarted the game and reinstalled the DLC stuff and it still didnt give them to me I'm on xbox
What content is missing for you, A1Purplehaze? Can you please specify? Have you checked that the content is eligible to be shared?

Originally Posted by armanzzz11
I lost my year 1 operators too(ps4). And they didn't came back so I had to re-purchase them cause I want them. At least tell me you give the renown back in the next update.
What edition of the game do you own, armanzzz11? Were you previously sharing the content from another account?

We cannot refund in-game purchases made with Renown or R6 Credits.
about 5 years ago - Ubi-Swaggins - Direct link
Hey SirLagalot,

Thanks for reaching out and welcome to the forums.

I would advise that you reach out on our website, so the team can look into this further.
almost 5 years ago - Ubi-Swaggins - Direct link

Are you playing the game on the same account that you bought the operators on?

They do not carry over to separate accounts.
over 4 years ago - UBI-Froggard - Direct link
Originally Posted by Yeetler88
This happened a while ago and figured that it will be fixed. But it didn’t get fixed. I still don’t have my operators back even though i paid for them. does someone have a solution?

Which platform do you play on please?

If on console, did you buy the operators yourself or on another account and share them?