Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege Dev Tracker

02 Jul


Originally posted by BobRoss4lyfe

I was playing yesterday and they were still disabled, can someone confirm for me they are actually back in the game? I'm currently at work rn

They were just re-enabled a few hours ago.


Originally posted by Bigmonkey690

All of my guns and ops have been stripped of their camos and attachments.

It seems to be a bug after playing the new event mode. If you restart, your loadout should be restored.


Originally posted by DunkTheCookie

Fix the glitches with chat. People are able to spam special characters that cause games to crash.

It's under investigation atm.


Howdy! 🤠

Deployable shields and Clash have been reactivated on live servers for both PC and Console, in all game modes.

Given the results of our recent tests on the Test Server, we've decided to activate the fixes on the live servers and re-enable Deployable Shields and Clash. This means deployable shield ammo count will be set back to 1 and Clash will be available in Operator select.

We'll be closely monitoring the situation and may deactivate them once again if any issues arise.

Please report to us on ...

Read more External link →

01 Jul


Originally posted by UbiNoty


We know that this is not the first time this request has been made, and we've shared before as well that a colorblind option is something we want to look into for the future. While we don't have any information to share with you all right now on this front, we're not unaware of the struggles you're facing and we most certainly want to make rainbow as comfortable and enjoyable for everyone as possible. I do also respect your persistence in championing your cause - so just want to reassure you and let you know that we hear you.

flair: ubi-response


Originally posted by Der_Krasse_Jim

u/UbiNoty even commented somewhere else after first post but didnt respond here, very cool

Hello. Hi. You can find my response to the post somewhere in 'new'.



We know that this is not the first time this request has been made, and we've shared before as well that a colorblind option is something we want to look into for the future. While we don't have any information to share with you all right now on this front, we're not unaware of the struggles you're facing and we most certainly want to make rainbow as comfortable and enjoyable for everyone as possible. I do also respect your persistence in championing your cause - so just want to reassure you and let you know that we hear you.

28 Jun


Originally posted by Paz_Zombie

I always type "less than three"

less than three


Originally posted by totomantis

Well, the patch was released yesterday and IQ is still banned...

She should be unbanned on console as of yesterday.


Originally posted by LazyLemon01

Nah they won’t ban us for that right? Like they know that means love

No you won't be banned for that. <3


Ah. Our old arch-nemesis, we meet again.

27 Jun


Originally posted by UbiNoty

Sorry about that, she was just getting her personal effects and getting signed out. She should be released and available right about now for both xb1 and ps4.

(restarting might help if she's still banned for you).



Sorry about that, she was just getting her personal effects and getting signed out. She should be released and available right about now for both xb1 and ps4.

(restarting might help if she's still banned for you).


Originally posted by bulgarianseaman

I got the crap scared out of me the other day when I was playing. I haven't had any infractions before and I typed "Wow that Monty raped us" after the Monty on the other team solo killed 4/5 of our team if i remember correctly.

Is this a strike system? Do these messages get evaluated for "naughtiness"?

I'm quite invested in Siege so I'd really like to know how much trouble I'm in!!!

Getting the censored message typically doesn't equate to an immediate review. But if we see you are constantly getting chat-filtered then we'll go in and review your logs and determine what kind of infraction or penalty is appropriate.


Originally posted by TooMuchRainbowSix

Consider client side metering of the amount of message that can be sent and limit the size of each message . Meaning, you can type only so much so fast before the client stops it. One message per two seconds etc.

Easy to implement . Could easily do it on server side as well by letting client think they are spamming but you just queue the messages and only pop off queue every second. If one person adds more than x, then you ignore them until it drops below x. This should all be done before hitting the server side filtering to avoid resource overload.

So, server gets a simple fifo queue segmented by player, set max message by limiting queue sizes, discard message over queue length, only pop every x seconds per queue , to meter message dumping. Run filters when popping messages to reduce server load. Easy.

It's something we're looking into to prevent chat spammers as a whole.


Originally posted by MrPoring

Tried to give <3 to the opponents last night. but had a blast with just seeing ever other red message :D

We're hoping to get a better fix in place soon, but maybe you can try the ribbon heart in the meantime x3


Originally posted by GryphShot

Another message that got flagged was 'o///o'? I'm guessing maybe it was the back slash or something.

We might have included other symbols as well as a precaution. I'll have to get back to you on this.

26 Jun


Originally posted by UbiNoty

Ah, I see then.

We chat filtered the <> brackets because we were getting reports that players were spamming them to cause fps drops. For now, you'll just see a censored message when you use them until we can get it resolved.



Originally posted by Nixteen

Same thing happened to me - I think what happened was that I put a <3 at the end of my comment, and when my message got removed it replaced the heart with an asterisk, just like in OPs post.

Ah, I see then.

We chat filtered the <> brackets because we were getting reports that players were spamming them to cause fps drops. For now, you'll just see a censored message when you use them until we can get it resolved.