Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege Dev Tracker

26 Mar


Originally posted by faptn_undrpants

I don't think people care so much about whether this is a scientifically justifiable feature. I think "I can't see him but he can see me" directly translates into "not fun." Also when you fiddle with such fundamental aspects of the game like this its very frustrating for seasoned players who feel like they have to relearn the game all over again.

We changed the camera position to address the lean-spam abuse that was rampant prior to the change.


Originally posted by TheAfroGod

I think people are mainly complaining because that even in kill cams, their player model is missing but completely visible to the person who killed them. It creates this illusion that player models/cameras are not synced with what is actually seen by other players.

While parallax can be true and present, the kill cam of this video, along with other clips, shows the rook shooting the air and receiving a headshot.

If ash’s ear or something was present in the kill cam, it would represent that your eyes are not on the side of your head, therefore you should peek carefully to not expose the side of your head even on tight angles.

Kill cam fidelity and readability is something we can improve on, and you're right that without seeing the POV captures of each individual player it's not a great feeling when what you see and know doesn't sync up with what the kill-cam is showing you. We definitely want to improve the player experience for these types of things, and kill cam improvements are a part of our goals for that in the future.


Haha it even says "drink more hot water" :') This is so Asian, I love it!


I absolutely love this!

25 Mar


We changed the camera position to the center of the operators head as part of our lean-spam fix as of the Burnt Horizon patch.

There are cases where - two people in different positions, but looking at the same object will see different things - and that's due to parallax (parts of this video might help demonstrate it more clearly).


Originally posted by UbiKalyrical

Shared with the Dev team and we're in the process of investigating! Thanks for sharing your recording. Super detailed!

So an update on this: the hitbox is intended. Our operators each get classified into several categories of hitboxes. Blitz's hitbox is smaller than that of Montagne/Fuze.

As some of you recall, since Operation Health, clothing is not counted as part of the hitbox for an operator.

From the video, what's being shot is Blitz's arm padding. The thicker padding coupled with his smaller actual body frame is what can be observed in the clip. Hope this helps clear things up a little!




The APIs exist to detect a mouse and keyboard plugging directly into the console. In Rainbow Six, this is disabled.

There is not an API that our team, or any other development team, has been made aware of to detect third party adapters such as the XIM Adapter. These emulate controller inputs, and are regularly updated by their manufacturers to circumvent detection methods. As such, they are not detectable.

22 Mar


I recommend reaching out to Support for this one, they can look into it with you.


Originally posted by UbiKalyrical

Shared with the Dev team and we're in the process of investigating! Thanks for sharing your recording. Super detailed!



Shared with the Dev team and we're in the process of investigating! Thanks for sharing your recording. Super detailed!


Thanks for posting, I'll send this in to the team!

Any additional details you can share?

21 Mar


Love it <3 Can't wait to see some pin designs for other operators.


Really cool!


This is really, really cool!


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This is really cool! Incredible how even in this minimalist approach, you can see so many details of the map!

20 Mar


haha. It was posted on this subreddit a while back by u/MrManatee111. I made a minor addition, and put it on Twitter. Just posted to IG.

Funny to see it circling all the way back.