Realm Royale

Realm Royale Dev Tracker

14 Mar


Thanks for the post! This is one we know about and are working on a fix. I don't think chickens are supposed to be able to fly! =)

13 Mar


It always feels like that very next rune you find after filling up all six slots, huh? Rip

06 Mar


This is correct, thank you for clearing this up /u/ZyreliaSen. The Battle Bundle does include a set amount of experience points that from level 1 will get you to level 35. However, not all levels require the same amount of experience, resulting in some degree of diminishing returns as you reach higher levels.


Originally posted by Nethera6

@HiRezJNash - This is extremely appreciated, as is the recent evolution of the game and particularly the community management from your team.

Question please - Is there a way to submit thoughtful, respectful feedback from experienced players like myself?

Sure! We read feedback here or in our official Discord server at

05 Mar


This is a known issue and our team is investigating this issue. To keep an eye on larger known issues, please see our community issues Trello board:


The Steel and Shadow Battle Pass will last until OB17, which is planned for roughly 3 weeks from now. We are aware of the issue that the countdown timer is not working. Please see our community issues list to track our biggest known issues.


Originally posted by Coldray

The patch doesn't seem to have helped regarding crashes on PC. Haven't had any issues before patch 16, but it is close to 50/50 whether I crash or not.

Are your graphics drivers up-to-date?


The potions... they're beautiful.


Originally posted by daniisco

Fix the CHESTsound. I want to throw my PS4 out of the window when i'm near a chest. And lower the volume when you open the chest.

The team has been alerted that the chests' volume is too loud.


Originally posted by Zach_Robb

ALSO: the freezing on PS4 has been insane, in just one day my and my buddy froze at least 4 times total.

Thanks for the report on the class selection screen. Does this occur when the class selection screen is up when the timer reaches zero seconds?

How long do the freezes usually last?


Originally posted by HeyImTazz

One thing I've seen reports of but do not see included is some talents like HP regeneration not working after being resurrected!

Seeing this one quite a bit recently, added!


We're aware of this issue, thanks for the report.


Unlinking your Steam or Xbox One account from your Hi-Rez account can result in losing access to your account. Please contact our support team at before attempting to unlink your account. They may be able to resolve your issue without needing to do this, reducing risk of loss of content or progress.

We have updated our FAQ on the Realm Royale website (...

Read more External link →

Track the biggest known issues with the Realm Royale Community Issues Trello Board:

Please note that this will NOT be a comprehensive list of all known issues, but only the top issues affecting players.

Is the list missing something? Let us know below!


Originally posted by MoreMackles

I thought grand master was a rank and was decided by your top 50 kills in one queue? is that not a thing anymore?

It never was in the game, but once you reach Master it does show the sum of your 50 "best" (highest elimination games) eliminations.


Originally posted by Fr0zenKold

Correct me if I'm wrong, but a hotfix is not something I download right? If so, what update did I download?

Hotfixes usually don't require server downtime, but will still require a download.


Originally posted by arffhaff

So why can't we close the map with the same button we used to open it now? It used to be that way before the bug. I really don't get what you guys are thinking.

It was unintended that the keybind was changed, but we're aware of it. Should be able to move while the map is open now, though.


I would like to request some more information regarding this issue. Do you happen to have a clip of this occurring? Was there a particular window you noticed this happened, or a particular weapon that you were able to fire with?

04 Mar


The Steel and Shadow Battle Pass will end with the OB17 update in roughly 3 weeks. We will announce more about the end date closer to that time. For now, the in-game countdown timer is not automatically counting down; we're aware of this issue.