Realm Royale

Realm Royale Dev Tracker

31 May

30 May

29 May


personally, I advise cranking the sensitivity waaay down. To each their own, and YMMV of course, but I found it much easier.

28 May


Originally posted by pimpmyrye

It would be nice to see some HiRez people in games. It honestly feels like you guys don't play the game ever and just rely on user feedback. It should take one of you guys two or three matches tops to notice all the issues plaguing your player base. Why is this so difficult? It's not like you guys are constantly expanding the map or adding new classes or making any different game modes or anything to keep people interested. All you do is put a few skins in the store and maybe alter one portion of the map. All we are asking is for the basic functions of the game to work properly. That's it. We'll be happy with the same map we've all played countless times on if things just worked how they should.

User feedback is paramount to us. We rely heavily on it to ensure we're providing a good experience.

As far as the dev team playing the game, I play every Friday and Saturdays for 6-8 hours each day as I genuinely enjoy the game. We also do playtests several times a week to weed out issues before they get to our fans. Although the issue hasn't been fixed yet, that doesn't mean we aren't aware of it. It usually takes time to research issues to find reliable steps to reproduce, on top of the time it takes to fix the issue and then verify that fix.

We really appreciate your patience, I know it can be frustrating dealing with these issues. We'll continue to try our best to keep communication up so everyone is aware of the issues we are looking into.


Hey All, we've gotten a good bit of feedback about this issue over the long weekend. We're currently looking into what's causing it.


Hey! We're aware of the current state of mantling through windows. We're investigating what could be causing it and are working to get things squared away.

27 May

26 May

25 May

24 May

Linking your Accounts To link your accounts, follow the prompts you receive for account linking when initially logging in to Realm Royale, or visit and log into your preferred Hi-Rez account. Once logged in, click the “Linked Accounts” button on the left to get a snapshot of all the accounts you have linked. You can link/unlink your platform accounts by clicking on the logos on the left side of the site.
  CROSS-PROGRESSION FAQ Which platforms are included in cross-progression? At the current time, Steam, Discord, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One will have cross-progression for accounts linked to the same Hi-Rez account.
  What will be merged when I link my accounts? The following data from all you... Read more