Rocket League

Rocket League Dev Tracker

16 Aug


Originally posted by FatPizzaMatt

I got banned for saying "I put on my robe and wizard hat"

I got banned for saying "I put on my robe and wizard hat"

We both know you didn't, but using sexual slurs has dinged your account twice now.

EDIT: How do I know? There aren't many 'FatPizzaMatt ' accounts playing Rocket League, believe it or not. :)


Originally posted by Dragonemperor34

I just love how its a gameplay ban, not a chat ban, for a chat infringement

I just love how its a gameplay ban, not a chat ban, for a chat infringement

That's how it goes when it's hate speech (see my stickied comment.)


Originally posted by _THO_



Nope! Not how this works. Happy Cake Day, Cake Day pal. :)


You didn't. You got banned for the racial slur you dropped in the same match as the fourth line.

Enjoy the upvotes, though. :)


Hello! Sorry to see you're going through this.

Please correct me if I am mistaken: Reading your post and some of your comments, it sounds like:

  • You can play RL on PC, Xbox, and Switch
  • You have connectivity issues playing on PC (lag + d/cing from matches)
  • And there are no connectivity issues playing on Xbox and Switch?
    • Or do you have the same connection issues when playing on all three platforms?

Keep it up! These renders are A+ :D


Originally posted by mitspieler99

Thanks for ruining the mode for me. Playing since 2015, and this is just another update to play even less. Now I'm down to solely play with friends (when around) because I am forced to get mad at randoms. Your matchmaking is borderline bonkers and you know that! What's the difference to playing ranked now? Only that your rank isn't shown?

The whole change doesn't make sense, esp combined with the backfill change. You basically promote the idea that a 3 goal difference equals a lost game. Why?

I have honestly no idea what you're trying to fix. People getting mad about not being able to stomp with premade teams on randoms properly because they're quitting too fast? Those people should play ranked in the first place.

I guess in the end it's your loss. I'm only playing the game less and am even less inclined to throw money at you. Still going to enjoy ranked until you mess that up as well. If you don't want me as a player, ok. This is not the last game in my lif...

Read more

Also, whats with the audacity of that statement? "once everybody has a feel for it"

A lot of the reactions to this change came in before the update was available. Once players had a chance to see the change in action, feelings could change, which has been the case with not all, but some.

Thanks for nothing, Devin. Have a NICE cakeday.

Thanks! :)

15 Aug

14 Aug


Originally posted by one_simon

The f**k?

Crazy that it just throws you out of the game. Actual throw by psyonix, RIP your MMR


I have seen multiple of these posts now, doesn't seem to be an isolated case and isn't yet reported on the Known Issues , just a heads up!

Hey! Appreciate the ping! We're aware of it, just hasn't made it to the Known Issues yet.

13 Aug


Originally posted by Judasz10

Hello Mr. Psyonix is there any conversation going on about the really not nice change to the population info? You must have seen critisism at this point. Or is the decision made for some reasons and its done?

Or is the decision made for some reasons and its done?

We're always talking about stuff the community is mentioning! We've definitely seen the criticism and memes about the change. Speaking in broader terms with any update there is going to be an initial reaction, be that positive or negative, but basing any future changes entirely on this initial reaction isn't necessarily the best course of action. That doesn't mean there haven't been valid concerns from the community, however, and part of my job is to make sure those concerns are voiced. If any changes were to occur, it would be after seeing the longer-term effects of the changes.


Originally posted by one_simon

This was for the season rewards themselves not the placements :(

I still could swear the "old new" UI had the same thing you showed above with the green and red coloring... Or i think it was light blue for wins and grey for losses? Maybe our holy Mr. Psyonix can help me with that

Mr. Psyonix

Hey, it's me. I'm 99% sure it used to just be that light blue color until the unranked symbol filled up


This is some really nice work. The first one would make a really nice desktop wallpaper!


Good LORD this is gorgeous. Will be looking forward to seeing your other concepts

12 Aug


Originally posted by L0kumi

Have you guys heard of the w7 crash that happens ? Op sorry to highjack ur post

Have you guys heard of the w7 crash that happens ? Op sorry to highjack ur post

We have and we released an update for that this morning! Is this still happening with you? If so could I pop into your DMs? Would be a huge help to us!


Originally posted by crypticbread2

I mean calling him a shill is kinda extreme imo. It’s part of his job to protect the community/keep the community happy, but it’s also part of his job to protect the company. I think a lot of the responses he’s been giving here have been poor, but by no means do I think he’s not the original owner. At the end of the day psyonix/epic is paying his salary. He can’t just slag off the company and expect to have a job. Even if he didn’t agree with what the company is doing, he has to defend them to an extent.

It’s part of his job to protect the community/keep the community happy

Given that you referred to yourself as a CM/SMM in another post, it is surprising that you whiffed on the job description here.


Originally posted by Suddenly_Something


Nice to see your descent into nothing more than a shill. Glad to see you've completely sold out. Your responses are absolutely laughable. Good chance you aren't even the original owner of that account.

Good chance you aren't even the original owner of that account.

Definitely the funniest take so far. Pretty sure I've been Devin this whole time? Although some do call me Devon, Devan, etc.


Will look into this now! Thank you!

11 Aug


Originally posted by gederz

Read the room

Read the room

Super weird way of saying you like the joke reply to a joke post, but I'll take it!


When someone makes a post about demos an angel gets its wings