Rocket League

Rocket League Dev Tracker

28 Oct

26 Oct

25 Oct


Hello! Just wanted to drop this here to help connect you with our support peeps :D

Our support team can be reached using this link:

If you scroll down to the very bottom, there should be a "Contact Us" button which will lead you to a request page where you can submit your concern or start a Live Chat.


Hi there! Let me answer some questions here.

We're taking a look at ALL the hashtags, so no worries about that.

The particular submission that you're talking about, we found out after the Tweet, and have since removed that submission from the winners.

Thanks so much for asking these questions, and best of luck to you if you submit your own Fit Check!

24 Oct


Thanks for posting this! I think this would be tough since several server regions are made up of multiple locations (Example: US-East has servers in a few different states), so your game doesn't know what to display for ping, etc until matchmaking puts you in a specific server. We'll definitely keep this in mind in the future if we ever change up how server regions are defined. Thanks again! :D


ohhh yeeaaah. the gamecube is what made me the roller demon i am today πŸ˜ŒπŸ˜”

22 Oct

21 Oct

20 Oct

19 Oct



18 Oct


Bronco was fixed in the last update!

Patch notes can be read here:

17 Oct

14 Oct


Hi there! We'd love to hear their idea, feel free to make a post here on the subreddit or add it to this thread and tag me! I can't wait to see what his idea is!

13 Oct


Something Strange Is Happening In Farmstead Arena…
Though locals have long warned against demoing once the sun goes down, a group of foolish teens has unleashed a long-buried horror from deep below. As the villains of classic horror franchises rise from the soil, brave players who survive their Challenges can earn horrifying rewards.

Play Spooky Cube and Heatseeker in the cursed Farmstead (Spooky) Arena to unlock Golden Pumpkins and Haunted Hallows Challenge Rewards. Still need the perfect spine-chilling soundtrack? Discover frightful Horror Villain Player Anthems in the Item Shop.

Be afraid! Your worst nightmares come to life from October 19 to November 1.

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