Rogue Company

Rogue Company Dev Tracker

15 Sep


Originally posted by MiwInk

Still want to know what they are going to do to balance kbm players since they have a distinct advantage shown through statistics in all other scenarios.

I want to know why they are catering to pc players when thier largest player base is console.

Hey there! Quick question if I could.

Why do you feel PC players are being catered to when console players have to group up with another PC player to play against PC players?


We genuinely appreciate you taking the time to compile all this! Obviously I can't respond to these individually but let me throw out a few if I could:

  • Surrender requirements are being discussed internally. Currently you have to play for 10 minutes but we're discussing cutting that back significantly. Otherwise it's 2 minutes from when someone leaves.
  • The Lancer footsteps bug is being addressed internally. Absolutely not working as intended.
  • For the LMPX "handling" will specifically impact bloom meaning your bursts will have a tighter pattern over time than it would without the upgrade
  • Not shooting in the airship is intended. While it would be neat, allowing players to burn through valuable ammo or coding a system that switched you from infinite ammo to used ammo once you leave the plane is somewhat of a complicated change.
  • For revive priority we have a change coming in a future update which should give priority to inte...
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Appreciate the feedback on this. Matchmaking time will always depend on the time of day and region and I'm sorry you had so much trouble. NA East it would make sense given it was after midnight local time. We believe our next update should have more folks hopping in.


Originally posted by goldfish18

Yeah I don't really understand this.

So, controller players have better accuracy using hip fire within 10 meters and are more accurate with a Tomahawk. MnK players have better accuracy in all other aspects except close range hip fire.

"We're deciding to nerf controller players because they're better in only one area of gun play despite being outmatched in every other aspect."

Two important aspects that I think need to be highlighted:

  1. This change impacts an aspect of controller play, not controller play as a whole. We do know this is a divisive change for many of you while others have been asking us to adjust this for quite awhile.
  2. This is a balance change and in this Beta (not an excuse but a reminder of how fluid things can be) we will change, revert, add, redesign, etc... a lot more than we would in a final release product. The team is not afraid to make further adjustments once folks have had a chance to try it.
  3. We actually buffed AA late in the Alpha process towards Closed Beta and we've been watching that data since.
  4. Fully functional input matchmaking is coming in the near future. It's a priority for the team and currently towards the top of our feature list.

Current rotation is on Wednesdays so new items tomorrow!


Hi there! The PS+ pack is a Sony exclusive which means while it may work when switch over to PC if it's equipped, if you unequip it you won't be able to see it in your inventory.

14 Sep


Originally posted by Highestcrab

After the game I get removed which means I have to find a new squad I don’t solo que

It sounds like you are crashing So it's not letting you rejoin correct?


You will need to leave the match entirely and head back to the main menu.


Hi there! First of all while not the biggest Owen Wilson fan he does have a few gems but he is not the voice of Dallas. Also there is no mechanic in place that can kick you from the game so I'm not quite sure what you are experiencing.

13 Sep


Originally posted by Born2beSlicker

Could you please confirm if console players get put against KBM players on PC? The constant speculation and refusing to accept one side or not is getting tedious.

Currently the way it should work is you should not be queued with PC players unless you are in a party with one.


Keyboard and Mouse console support is something we'd like to do but was not functioning as we intended it. There is a little work that needs to be done and we hope to reintroduce it in the near future.


Originally posted by AyaCupcake

I really think this game is toxic but in a weird way. Very very rarely do I ever find racist/homophobic or sexist teammates. Maybe 4 times now at most.

Teabag spamming is another level but I just laugh

If you do run into toxicity, I encourage everyone to use the Report function. While it may feel like it really won't do anything, I can assure you we suspend people regularly for racism and other forms of harassment.


Originally posted by NeroTheGlowFox

I just pressed start on my controller. Usually it brings up the settings menu but I got kicked out of a game before it loaded, pressed start by accident instead of A to requeue, and this came up.

Rest assured while this menu isn't supposed to be visible none of the commands will actually work for you in game (it requires special permissions). We'll remove this as soon as possible and appreciate the reports.

12 Sep


You want them we have them! Add another platform to your account, give one to a friend, or if you have been looking for access here is your chance!

Look below for the link to whichever you need and hop in!

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