Rogue Company

Rogue Company Dev Tracker

18 Nov

17 Nov


There is definitely some more detail around this that we can provide you but out of respect for people's privacy we don't typically discuss them publicly. If you want to drop me a DM, I'm happy to give a little more context.

16 Nov


Originally posted by Obiwandkinobee

If only reporting actually did anything.

Hey there! Actually my team parses reports and suspends/bans people every day. This obviously isn't the only method we use to track disruptive behavior, but it's an important tool.

15 Nov

14 Nov

13 Nov


Originally posted by CowabungaMyDude

Well would you look at my dude over here flexing his 21 minute boosts while us lowly peasants only get 20.

Just kidding, thanks for capturing it on video!

We appreciate the capture as well! This issue was clearly a bug and the team implemented a fix yesterday which should prevent it from happening going forward.


Originally posted by zDD_EDIT

Thank you for taking the time to reply. Are there any plans to implement some sort of notification/confirmation message that informs the player that action has been taken on a player, similar to other games?

I think it would be great to get some acknowledgment that when we use the reporting feature, that something indeed is being done, and our time is not wasted.

This is a feature that is currently being discussed for implementation. It does require a little bit of work so not something that can be done quickly but it's important to us.


Appreciate you reporting that and would love to have you DM me more specifics. Shooting through walls doesn't normally fit into standard cheating, this sounds more like an issue with the map in question. Most importantly please make sure you report this, my team uses these reports regularly to help identify players disrupting games.

12 Nov


Originally posted by Zagreus_01

So, there's no way of merging both accounts anymore?

We do not merge accounts, no. We just allow your Epic account to use your Steam player, which shares all existing and future progress and inventory.


Originally posted by Zagreus_01

Already did that. But now I have 2 accounts. The Epic's level 1 and Steam is 21. The level 1 account has the battle pass and the 21 doesn't.

That means that you didn't successfully set your primary for your Epic account. The two will continue to exist, but if you marked the level 21 as primary then when you log into Epic, it will see that the other is the current primary and use the level 21.