Rogue Company

Rogue Company Dev Tracker

29 Oct


This is potentially very helpful! I've passed it along to the team. Thank you!


Originally posted by Nzpowe

Play dahlia, and go into strike out! Personally go for the life line perk, nobody expect the speed revives during the first round!

Dahlia is my most mastered Rogue for this reason! I've pulled 16 revives before in a match. 😑👌


when enemy team BMs, it just means I go full sweat.


I've laughed a solid 5 minutes and shared this with everyone on the team. Thank you for this Friday gift.


what if I only have 10 revives. ;_;


I think this thread has good and valid feedback, particularly about pricing clarity for outfits - what constitutes rare vs uncommon, for instance? I've submitted it to the team that handles pricing for our cosmetics. Thanks!

EDIT: Also, I double-checked the Mack skin here with the team. It's "Rare," hence the price of the bundle.

28 Oct


Originally posted by kaigan1627

[Suggestions] adding a change map size setting.

option to take out the dot on the crosshair.

allow to mute people during pick/ban phase

As in change Mini-Map size?


Originally posted by CarBallAlex

Uhh, I can’t exactly recall. I remember initially (before victory screen) it was definitely both, but since it’s been doing it during the victory screen, I am not 100% sure if it is only victories, or both. I have only had this one happen a few times but if it happens again I will let you know



Originally posted by BlackElite718

Yeah, me too. I noticed the sound issues like the loud buzzing sound that happens occasionally or not getting sound when recording seems to be exclusive to Xbox. And it's been like that for months. Not sure why it hasn't been fixed

Clips without sound and the Xbox One buzz are two issues we've been working on for awhile now (a month? two months? since it was first reported). Originally, we thought the clips without sound was a DMCA issue since Run the Jewels did much of our music, but the newer generation of Xbox doesn't have this issue, so we've gone back to the drawing board with that issue.

Re: buzzing. We pushed a potential fix for it in a hotfix a few weeks ago, but it did not resolve the issue. Unfortunately, this issue has been near impossible to consistently reproduce, which is the hallmark of bug fixing. If you can reproduce it with the same actions each time, you get a pretty good idea of what is causing it.

We've had nearly a hundred players self-report to us what their settings are, the Rogue they played, the map, the weapon, the wrap, the mode, whether they use a headset or not (& more), and nothing has been consistent, so it's been a head-scratcher for what is actually causing it...

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Yes - we were testing a new MM system for a few hours. :)

27 Oct

  1. Aware of this issue. We've been pretty actively trying to resolve it since the Cannon update.
  2. This has been resolved and was likely a result of us testing a new MM system today.
  3. While not a bug, we have been working on improving the systems around this. Bots were intended to fill the gap between systems (having no backfill and then having backfill in place), but the experience was pretty poor, so we've turned them off for all modes except 6v6.
  4. Actively working on this issue as well.
  5. We are testing a new MM system. This was the reason for #2 today.
  6. We are aware of the performance issues on the Switch.
  7. Reporting this one up.
  8. Can you send me a SS of the location? I'll push this one to QA and amend the report with information.
  9. Aware of this issue. It impacts grenades as well. I've had it high on the community severity. I can't recall the timeline on the fix, but I bring it up in all syncs. In short, the ba...
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Originally posted by CarBallAlex

Thank you. I am not an expert by any means on this subject, but I’m led to believe this specific “network disconnect” issue is tied to when the UI changed (I think Mack update? Maybe Switchblade?) for the victory screen and is somehow related to a desync from the game since it never seems to happen randomly in the middle of the match. No idea how to fix, but I think both the previous one (right before victory screen) and this one (during victory screen) stem from the same issue. I hope this helps.

I sent this along. Follow-up question: Is this only happening on victories or is it happening on defeats as well?


Originally posted by hills631

[Bug] Cannot see who my team is picking during halftime. Happens every time in ranked demo. Screen is just gray with character select icons

Which platform are you on?


Originally posted by AcesGamer2497


(Posting this again because the thread said replied to, but they skipped mine, so its from a season or two ago, but i literally paid 27 dollars to lose everything that season, so...)-

ok, I'm usually very understanding about bugs, but this one has me really upset. I joined this game a little late, but I LOVED that scorch skin at the very end of the battlepass so I grinded my freaking tail off with what miniscule time I have between my FULL time job AND my classes to get there. Well fast forward to now and it's currently 3 hours till the battlepass ends and I'm only 3 levels short of that skin. SOOOOO close it's equal parts pride at how surprisingly close I got and dread that I'm not gonna reach it. I don't spend money on in-game stuff usually (I did buy Dahlia with money (the rest I have I got with reputation)) but I made an exception and wanted to buy tiers to get it. I didn't see how to do that, just to buy premium version of battlepass that comes with 15 ti...

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Hey Aces, I'm sorry you're experiencing this. Have you reached out to our support team? If so, what is your ticket number so I can escalate this?


Originally posted by CarBallAlex

[Bug] Network disconnect still happens at the end of matches occasionally, but now happens during the victory screen rather than right before it.

Innnnteresting. I'll send this on to the team and see what they need to be collected to look into this further.