Rogue Company

Rogue Company Dev Tracker

08 Sep


Originally posted by finwe282

I had this happen 2 times yesterday evening, both times with a player on my team leaving the game in the first half. Thanks for the work!

Second question: Did you have a Runway on your team?


Originally posted by MartianSyrup

I don't remember if somebody left in the first game. The second game, one of the opponents did leave after like 4 or 5 rounds

Did you have a Runway on your team?


Originally posted by UnusualNegotiation7

Wait are the bots back? I didn't even realise the put them back in the game

We didn't sneak them back in. :) They're only in TDM/KOTH, but we removed them from Demo, Ranked Demo, and Strikeout a month or so back.


We know about the issue with the Mack skin and have a fix planned (no ETA on this). Right now, if you load into a match with the skin selected, you'll load in as Dallas disguised as Mack AFAIK.


I'm the one who scrapes the bug report form. :)

Thank you!


I've been tracking reports of this issue today. If you've experienced this, did you or someone on the team DC/lose connection or leave in the first round?


I've been getting reports of this today and have been tracking it for the QA team. Did you experience a leaver in the first half of your match or someone disconnecting?


We're aware of this issue. If you're experiencing this, are you playing using a headset?


Are you on PC or console (and if so, which)?


What platform are you on?


What platform are you on? We're aware of a visual bug that is causing mastery to not show up visually until you hit a milestone.

07 Sep


Originally posted by InfamousSpy007

4v4 koth it's occasional, and happens mostly in the last round

Thanks! I'll send this information along.


Originally posted by DeadUsiris

There's also an issue where you get no credits to mastering the S12 Tactical. Played 3 games as Vy with the S12, no progress even in a game with 10+ downs.

This might be visual. Can you shoot me a match ID and your player name/platform via DMs?


Originally posted by Bradsmum69

The arms dealer event skins, they were from "Exclusive Shipments" from the S1 arms dealer event as well as being said to be exclusive from the YT video, twitter, in game etc. then they just randomly appeared in the shop.

Are you seeing them in the shop now?


This should be fixed. As soon as you make a little progress towards one of these, they should now disappear (if they've been previously completed).


Originally posted by InfamousSpy007

•Fixed an issue where matches would end abruptly, with no victory or defeat screen

This still happens

•Fixed an issue where matches would end abruptly, with no victory or defeat screen

This still happens

Which game mode?


Originally posted by Auslo17

Why don’t they fix the buzzing sound when in lobby???

We're aware of it but haven't been able to reproduce it. Go ahead and send in your sound settings (in a clear photo) to us via our bug form.