Rogue Company

Rogue Company Dev Tracker

16 Sep

15 Sep


I'm so sorry - this is an awful experience. We've been working on reproducing this issue and it's one of the top issues for us right now. Can you (and anyone who has had this issue) please fill out this form?

Feel free to fill it out more than once with multiple game sessions. The more information the better.

14 Sep


Originally posted by f0xr0

Thanks! But I don’t see any form


Hey! I know this is an older thread, but if anyone having the buzzing issue could fill this form out for me, it'd be really helpful in trying to reproduce this issue. We've been trying to figure it out as a settings issue, but it seems to be deeper than that.


Hey! I know this is an older thread, but if anyone having the buzzing issue could fill this form out for me, it'd be really helpful in trying to reproduce this issue. We've been trying to figure it out as a settings issue, but it seems to be deeper than that.


Hey! I know this is an older thread, but if anyone having the buzzing issue could fill this form out for me, it'd be really helpful in trying to reproduce this issue. We've been trying to figure it out as a settings issue, but it seems to be deeper than that.


Hey! I know this is an older thread, but if anyone having the buzzing issue could fill this form out for me, it'd be really helpful in trying to reproduce this issue. We've been trying to figure it out as a settings issue, but it seems to be deeper than that.


Hey! I know this is an older thread, but if anyone having the buzzing issue could fill this form out for me, it'd be really helpful in trying to reproduce this issue. We've been trying to figure it out as a settings issue, but it seems to be deeper than that.


Hey! I know this is an older thread, but if anyone having the buzzing issue could fill this form out for me, it'd be really helpful in trying to reproduce this issue. We've been trying to figure it out as a settings issue, but it seems to be deeper than that.


Originally posted by Swtor_Fan456

Bugs: 1. I still cannot converse with my team, either way. They can’t hear me, nor can I hear them. Ingame cross platform team chat is broken when previously worked fine. Makes it difficult to convince new friends to play with me if we can’t talk with each other

Someone reported this above. What platform are you on?


Originally posted by xGOOPZX

I still can't hear team mates through head set . Only through my speakers.

Whoa that's weird. What platform are you on?


If you're having an issue with a buzzing Xbox, please send us a response on this form. I know I send ya'll a lot of forms but they genuinely help me and the rest of the team immensely. For instance, a handful of players who submitted info about their Xbox not saving their settings helped us resolve the issue. We're hoping that getting a lot of detailed information on the Xbox buzzing bug will do the same.


Originally posted by Truezor007

Yeah same it was only after some fiddling around that I finally worked out how to by pass the glitch

This was hotfixed today!


Originally posted by SylvineKiwi

[Suggestions] Sticky sensor should be team coloured.

This is in our backlog to do!

13 Sep