Rogue Company

Rogue Company Dev Tracker

17 Sep


Originally posted by Bierno

What about Weapon Mastery? That doesn't work

Can you expound on how it isn't working? There are a lot of moving parts with Weapon Mastery.


Originally posted by WhyYouAskTho

A mod really needs to pin this thread to the top.

But, I got the Buzzing issue/bug a lot on Xbox one S (already filled the form a couple of times, but i will try to add additional info in this post)

To answer the question, No it doesn't break the sound for me on other games.

It also doesn't break the sound while i am in a match in Rogue Company, Only in the Menu/Front page etc.In season 2 it was a lot worse (More often, but also sometimes way louder(with headset on this was litterly earrape to the max))In season 3 it still occurs, and it is still annoying and sometimes loud on headset, but way less loud. and i have a feeling it also occurs way less (Example just 2 times today in 4 hours, while easely occuring 6-7 in 4 hours in season 2)

It mostly happens to me after 3-5 matches , After that i have to close the game completly and restart is. Going to the main menu to log out of the game and log back in doesnt solve it. you have to completly shut do...

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No difference is turning on or off Dolby

This is especially interesting. Does it still happen if you have your sound set to Stereo? LINK. In short, does disabling 3D sound resolve this while it is happening, and if it doesn't, does it occur again after it is set to Stereo and then shut down/...

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Originally posted by MasterJeebus

Another annoying bug is invisible barb wire left behind that can’t be destroyed and continues to kill players. Sometimes its on doorways or floating but low enough to catch you and you can’t see it. Seen issue happen in Icarus and factory map.

This one we know and has been escalated this week to a higher priority. There are actually two things going on here:

  • The barb wire will sometimes “fall” through the terrain.
  • The barb wire outline is invisible.

We are tracking both for a fix. Date of fix still is TBD, but we are aware of them both.


Originally posted by Altruistic-Can-2685

Ranked losses not subtracting

I…. Can’t see how this is only a visual bug tbh. Is match making suppose to match you with players who are equal skill level? Because me and my friend generally win most of our ranked matches. If I had to take a guess I would say our win rate is at LEAST 65%. And we are in high plat. I have never once seen my rank go down and all my games seem to be a crap shoot in terms of ranks/skill. I’ve been matched with rogue ranked players who are clearly nuts at the game and I have been matched with a ton of bronze level players who can’t even figure out how to jump.

Also, aren’t you suppose to restrict who you que with depending on rank? If this was just visual then I would think there would at least be some players I wouldn’t be able to q with because I’ve qued with bronze people before. I don’t think the rank system is working at all but that’s just my ignorant opinion.

The reason we think it is visual is that we looked up a player who was streaming ranked and visibly not losing points. However, when we looked up the matches in our backend, we saw points being subtracted.

This could’ve been a fluke though, so we need player Match IDs to verify. We also have someone in QA playing through Ranked matches to collect matches, but again, the more data we have the better.


Originally posted by VEKET1

We need one of this forms for the Fixer crashing in console

I’ll see what information the team would need on this and I’ll update the post. Sorry that this keeps happening. :/

16 Sep


corny meme by me

Hey Rogues!

Over the past two months, I've been working closely with our QA team to reproduce a couple of really frustrating bugs that I often see on Reddit and Twitter. Unfortunately, a couple of these bugs have been extremely difficult to reproduce consistently, which is crucial in the process of fixing them. This can be due to a number of things, such as network connection differences, whether your console was in sleep mode or not, or even what your settings might be compared to another player. This is on us to resolve, but it usually moves much quicker if we have a larger data set from which to pull commonalities.

So this is where you come in.

I need y...

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Originally posted by BusyProcrasturbating

Dude YES! I am also partially red-green colorblind and I hopped on to play a match and couldn’t believe the heath bar change. Almost indistinguishable for me to tell their health unless I stop and STARE at their health bar. The old color scheme for their health bar was SO much easier to tell their health. Honestly it’s sorta game-breaking for people like me :/ Really hoping they revert it back, at least for the colorblind modes.

Sorry for the delayed response, but we are working to address this in a future update. Unfortunately, it's not gonna be in this next update, but we're aiming for improving this in the update after that, which will be live in November.


Sorry for the delayed response, but we are working to address this in a future update. Unfortunately, it's not gonna be in this next update, but we're aiming for improving this in the update after that, which will be live in November.