I think the main change is we'll have a CEO who actually talks to us once in a while again, which is always a positive thing imo
Once in a while, indeed :) Thanks for the kind comments.
I just wish NXT load cenario/texture just as fast as java client :/
We have plans to improve loading speed, especially for non-SSD users
Also don't forget you can turn off loading screens or press escape to hide them
As in never a problem or never happened?
The whole 1:1 'rule' was never a rule, and was always a misconception.
Makes me wonder why it was ever allowed in Oldschool.
It wasn't, we were more lenient.
Yes it's allowed as it's a 1:1 button press. Same as remapping your right click to be the letter A.
1:1 was never a thing.
Can confirm it works with Box, Bird, Imp & Tortle traps :)
Hahahaa I'm not sure they'll let me, but I'll ask. :D
No, BAD RAVEN. Back in your cage!
Let me tell you something, as I've just died for the 15th time trying to defeat this boss, without managing to do that even once, using the absolute top-end gear, THIS FIGHT IS NOT WORTHWHILE KILLING. The fight is an extremely lazy, poorly designed piece of shit content that nobody wanted in this game.
I don't enjoy it because it's a very sloppy PvM experience. Typeless damage you can't protect from, getting dragged into the bombs, getting your prayer removed after a second. Forget the profit, there's no profit in this even, and I didn't expect any in the first place.
The thing that I'd welcome to see is turning this fight into something better because right now it's a miserable experience, dying over and over to something I can't counteract.
Hey 5-x, sorry to hear you're struggling with Nomad Hardmode.
/u/10000Swags has put together an incredible guide for killing Nomad in less than 8 minutes. A lot of the community have been helping out to flesh out tactics and discuss it.
If you're struggling to conquer Nomad, this is a good place to read up on how you can change things up :)
Read moreSo, been hearing a lot about issues with drops.
We wanted to bring the other two kings inline with Prime. To see if we managed that, we have access to the fancy stats and graphs here; http://imgur.com/a/69fUR
Be aware that this is one day of data only for the new drop tables. The red line shows the MEDIAN drop value per kill (Median = Average without statistical outliers, like hatchet drops).
My thoughts, based only on one day of data, are that Supreme and Prime are right where we wanted them; supreme is worth the same as prime per kill and median on Prime's drops seems to have remained its usual range.
Rex is the only thing we'll keep an eye on, as that median average doesn't seem to have increased significan...
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