
Runescape Dev Tracker

11 Oct


Originally posted by Dying_All

Will quest reward items such as balmung, sunspear or ancient staff be able to be placed in group storage?

Hey, if quest items are untradeable and haven't been added to the whitelist they cannot be placed in group storage, which cover Balmung and Sunspear. The ancient staff is tradeable which means you'll be able to add to group storage, however you still need to complete Desert Treasure as an individual to equip it.


Originally posted by Mewrulez99

Is it all GIMs that get all the auras, or just CGIMs?

GIM and CGIM will get the auras :)


Originally posted by Fendeur

What actually happens if cgim interact with other players in bosses or activities?

Hey, for the most part we've aimed to restrict the ability to interact with others. For bosses, CGIM will only be able to use private encounters (which we've made free of charge!). For other activities, such as minigames and D&Ds, again largely you will only be able to enter/interact with them as a group - this does mean some minigames will be blocked on launched as there is no way to enter with just your group or they are currently blocked to regular ironmen; however we've tried to make as much content available as possible for launch.


Originally posted by ReindeerInevitable30

Can CGIM do guthixian caches?

Yes they can access Guthixian Caches


Originally posted by RonaldoVII

It has previously been mentioned that the new achievements/task progression coming to GIM will also be released for regular players too, is this still the case?

The Journey Achievements are GIM only, there are few extra achievements being added that are part of the journey achievements (Each Journey achievement is a series of other achievements) that will be available to all players, these achievements won't count towards runescore to avoid any shenanigans.


Originally posted by RonaldoVII

Is Group Ironman strictly P2P? Or can a group or member contribute on f2p?

Group Ironman members can be free or members; and you can have any mix of players within an individual group.


Originally posted by Ironman_BHAV3SH

Would the team consider introducing a one-time opportunity or cooldown for permanent Ironman players to re-affirm their decision to remain perm ironman? After playing for nearly 10 years, I’m finding that the irreversible choice made long ago no longer aligns with how I want to enjoy the game today. A chance to reassess this decision would mean a lot to long-term players like myself. There's many ironmen in this position.


Hey, yes anyone who selected this option will have the option to allow them to downgrade from Ironman to a Group Ironman should they choose to. They can also reaffirm their decision to never downgrade once more.

However, it's worth noting that you will only be able to downgrade to a Group Ironman, and never to a main account. This is to keep it in parity with OSRS too.


Originally posted by PresentationFunny619

Plain and simple one from me, can i solo GIM mode? Now i know it basically defeats the objective of the mode of playing with others, but I am a sucker for that brand new feeling you get on a new account and and new hi-scores to compete on. I was thinking of making a ghost alt player to add to my group and just playing the group by myself only, would this work? 

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Yes, You could make a second "ghost" account just to get yourself setup and go play as a lone GIM, you would be a bit of a disadvantage numbers wise tho.


Originally posted by MeghannRS

Do you need a freshly made account to join GIM?
If not, what happens to the account you joined with, are stats reset?
If we leave the group do we go back to regular IM mode?

Heyo filling in what info I can atm,

  1. You need an account that hasn't left character creation (or be an existing Ironman)
  2. Not applicable
  3. If you leave your GIM group you may join another group or transition to being a regular Main*
    1. If you were a Ironman who opted into never not being an ironman and then became a GIM you would not be able to covert to a main.

(I said ironman originally the team has corrected me)


Originally posted by summon_a_lot

Will I be able to use a dyed noxious scythe on the pet without having the requirements to equip the scythe myself? Very exciting for this pet hopefully the odds to obtain it is reasonable if ur actively playing during the event. Looking forward to unlocking this on my ironman!

Yes :) As long as you have the item, you can use it.


Originally posted by Legal_Evil

These events looks a lot better than last years!

The Maize maze boss remains me of Gauntlet in OSRS. Will the maze be the same each time or randomized? Will deaths here be safe or dangerous? Will the bosses here be as hard as their normal counterparts?

How many rewards do you get from 1 clan goodie bag?

Does the winning clan get any extra rewards?

These tradeable Reaper Masks allow you to force a Reaper Task for their corresponding boss once per week and give you extra weekly bonus rolls on their drop table during the month of October!

So do I need to bring the mask to switch before the boss dies to get these bonus rolls? Or can I do it after they die but before looting, or can they work from bank?

The maze constantly shifts a bit, as Agility shortcuts will appear and disappear semi-randomly.
Deaths are entirely safe, as you're only being 'spooked' and not actually hurt.
The whole encounter is more akin to a skilling boss, so should be accessible for everyone.

You get 3 rolls on the rewards from the clan goodie bags.

The winning clan doesn't get any rewards this year. We may or may not expand this system in the future to include benefits for winning but wanted it to be a social-only system for now.

Once you've bound a reaper mask, the effect will work from the bank.


Originally posted by ghfhfhhhfg9

Reaper masks bonuses are concerning. If it's only for the month of october, it can be alright... But I am assuming the mask will work even after october for choosing your reaper task once a week.

The bonus rolls for the bosses are also concerning. I haven't done the 4th rex matriarch but if I did with the new mask, it might be significantly easier due to the bonus rolls.

I don't think the reaper masks needed any bonuses. It could've just been a boss reskin and a mask and players would've been happy. But of course, share holders or the mtx team feel the need to always do something extra for power.

The masks are only earnable through event gameplay (or buyable on the GE) :)

10 Oct


Hey Folks, popping in here to give some insight. This is a legit promo, its another run of a similar promo we ran in the past.

Its specifically aimed at reaching out to players who have played Rs3 before but currently aren't. If your concerned about phishing links do login and check your account directly to engage with it.


Originally posted by Any-sao

Wow, I’m impressed. This is probably my favorite of the new holiday events so far.

Really looking forward to trying those maze bosses.

Two questions:

1: are the clan goodie bag rewards tradable?

2: can we bring groups to the maze bosses? Blog didn’t say so, but the calendar note makes it sound like we can.

You won't need to group to challenge the Illusion bosses in the maze, you will need to use the spook weapons you gather from the imps around the maze to defeat them.

I believe the majority of things from the Goodie bag are tradeable (the horseman uniform token wouldnt be tradeable)


As the warmth of summer fades, autumn begins its gentle descent upon the world of Gielinor, painting the landscape in hues of gold and amber. With each passing day, the sun lingers a little less, casting a soft glow over the evening sky - perfect for the creeping shadows of Harvest Hollow to emerge.

Dive into our blog here to find out more -

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Smh Jagex ruining the integrity of Hazelmere's Ring.

Congrats though, that's a wild roll to get and I hope you enjoy at least one of them - maybe you'll get a doubled HSR with HSR!


Originally posted by [deleted]


The hatchet/pickaxe of earth and song is the part that needs Plague's End (level 70 crystal hatchet/pickaxe and completion of the elf questline for "song"), Birthright of the Dwarves (for level 80 imcando hatchet/pickaxe and completion of the dwarf questline for "earth") and While Guthix Sleeps for a tertiary ingredient that combines them into the level 90 hatchet/pickaxe of earth and song.

The level 100 hatchet/pickaxe of life and death is then an additional upgrade of the hatchet/pickaxe of earth and song with extra requirements (such as pirate quests and necromantic elements).

If you don't want to do quests and are happy to settle for not having an augmentable hatchet, though, you'll be able to smith hatchets up to level 100 primal, in a similar manner that you can smith pickaxes. (We're adding smithable hatchets from orikalkum upwards.)

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This year, visit the Land of Harvest and meet up with the Five Horsemen as they set up camp at the Harvest Hollow

09 Oct


Originally posted by [deleted]


Yes and yes.

Quest reqs of but replace Cabin Fever with Pieces of Hate.


Similar quest reqs to those of the pickaxe of life and death, but Pieces of Hate instead of Cabin Fever.