
Runescape Dev Tracker

18 Feb


Originally posted by 5-x

How do you test multiplayer (team) bosses? Does it take more than one person, or do you run invincibility cheats and just solo it? Do you even do regular playthrough of a boss as a QA, the way players would fight it? Or do just just script it to check the phasing and boss states etc?

Cheers for doing the Q&A.

There's a distinction to be made here between testing for QA purposes, and playtesting for playability, for example.

In terms of QA testing, typically mechanics and structures are tested as a solo player or using multiple accounts and checking to see if you get expected results from whatever you're doing. Checking to see what occurs when you do an action or that numbers look correct and so on.

When it comes to playtesting, we'll group up with others and try to take the boss on as players would. This is done pretty regularly, Raksha, Rex Matriarchs, and all 4 fronts of EGWD had a wider team playtest once a week during development to ensure it was getting the attention it needed at all times throughout development. In the past i know we've even brought players in to try them out, and sometimes even outside of team playtest folks such as the combat council will try taking group bosses on together.


Originally posted by Dipinit

How is unit testing and integration testing done with RuneScape?

Are tests based on simple states, like "if I use weapon, then check right hand has said weapon" or do you have thorough tests that tests X amount of combination "if this quest is unlock and player is in this spot and has done this set of achievement and etc...".

Has anyone worked on AI for testing content or even for the actual game but has been scrapped off? (Like for mini games , tutorial for pvp or something else)

See my answer here for unit testing

RE: Integration testing, that's typically done in our "Release Control" or RC phase. Content will be merged with an environment as close to the live game as possible and tested with its own criteria to suit.

Has anyone worked on AI for testing content or even for the actual game but has been scrapped off?

We do have "bots" in a sense but they work differently to how you'd imagine them. Generally AI would probably be too bespoke or too general to suit what we'd need for testing.


Originally posted by Kan-Hidum

Hey, thanks for doing the Q&A. Just wondered if for a game like the size of Rs do you actually write unit tests for everything? Just the core mechanics? Thanks!

Within content QA we don't typically have unit tests no. I think unit testing within games generally is rare simply due to how games work. That's not to say it doesn't happy at all, and in some departments it may be more common such as engine/platform.


Originally posted by sir_eos_lee2

1) What's changed in terms of the tools you use for "graphical work" of today versus what you did 2 or 5 years ago? (sort of like the difference between what you would have done to develop an area like Sennisten last year compared to the Arachaeology Sites and Anachronia versus say the Falador graphical update or Menaphos)

2) How do you develop a shop's User Interface? what ways do you use to set the quantity of an item and how the rate of the item "restocks"? (ie: store sells 10 of it, but this shop seems to restock 1 per minute, another 1 per hour, another 1 per second)

3) What do you use as criteria for an NPC's wander radius and and the boundaries of the location?

4) Besides outdated graphical content, What are some of the technical challenges in making some content like old holiday events a "permanent" piece of content? (sort of like bringing a 2016 or later Halloween event back as a permanent miniquest)

What's changed in terms of the tools you use for "graphical work" of today versus what you did 2 or 5 years ago?

I reached out to some of artists for this one - We've been using industry standard tools for a long time now, although there was a point where we used all in house created tools for modelling and texturing. Advancements with our engine capabilities and style choices meant we could move to more standard tools, and utilise 3ds Max and Maya much better. Stylistically we have changed from more hand painted texturing, where we were using 3D Coat to texture our models, to a PBR based system, which allows our materials applied to assets to react with the environment around them. For this type of texturing we use Substance painter. We also use Zbrush for sculpting our high detail meshes, which are used for the texturing stage by baking the high poly detail onto our low poly in game mesh.

How do you develop a shop's User Int...

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Originally posted by DraCam1

Most game engines have physics built in but RS doesn't (as far as im aware).

Judging from the fact how some drops float in the air, I'm sure RS doesn't have one. :D

Jokes aside, thank you for the answer. Then I guess it would make sense to build "universal" solution as much as possible, rather than cater to - sometimes annoying, but too time consuming - edge cases. While this is completely acceptable, it's tough luck that things of the same manner can work so differently sometimes, that each of them would need their own separate engine work to make them do what the devs want them to do.

And a follow up question, if you still have the time. If you are allowed to say it, could you say an example to one of the situation where a "Patchwork fix" turned out so bad, that it had to be completely started again from scratch or just plain deleted because it caused more harm than good? I'm curious now.

None that come to mind as we really do tend to avoid it, but we discuss these if we are considering it and we always consider what risks they may introduce for example


Originally posted by zenyl

  • What tools and systems do you use for development (IDEs/text editors, command line shells and tools, containers, cloud infrastructure, etc.)?
  • How has working from home affected your workflow, and has it permanently affected your workflow even after people haven gotten back to working from the office?
  • Is the RuneScape backend that runs "beneath" RuneScript still Java-based, and if so, which version of Java does it run on?
  • How does development and Q&A for RuneScape prioritize taking different platforms into consideration (mobile friendliness, ensuring things don't break on macOS or Linux, etc.)?
  • What in-game tools do you use when doing Q&A on a piece of content?

"Fun" questions:

  • Do you have any fun technical workarounds that you can tell us about? Like how familiars that are "hidden" are actually moved to a small cage that is located far away from the playable gameworld?
  • Having worked on the Mining and Sm...
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What tools and systems do you use for development?

Quite a few different ones across all the different disciplines and departments. We use a mix of in-house tools and other popular tools for anything ranging from scripting and map editing to what artists use for character art and animation. I don't know in-depth what each department uses but on a regular basis i'm personally using our in-house tools more.

How has working from home affected your workflow?

Things are just generally not the same as they used to be. For the most part though we've adapted quite well to doing things remotely. Meetings, reviews, brainstorms, playtests still happen with lots of us in the same spaces over zoom for example. Some things are even better such as playtesting. We might have been at our own desks before whereas now we're in the same zoom call discussing things in the moment and such. The nice thing about a tech-heavy wor...

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Originally posted by PrimalMoose

On rarer occassions, we might grade a minor bug as major simply due to being spammed with reports because so many players are encountering it. If those who are investigating the bug reports keep having to spent valuable time dealing with duplicate reports of a minor issue, then it's best we stop that by solving the issue quicker.

Out of curiosity, do reports of a bug via social media channels like reddit influence these sort of decisions or is it primarily/predominately driven by in-game reports?

All mediums although in my example i'm referring to in-game reports mostly as they are a queue that can get cluttered, so in that sense it's important they're clear of spam and duplicates.

17 Feb


Originally posted by Sylthrim

thoughts on liver and pineapple on pizza?

Had liver, had pineapple, never had either or both on pizza. Maybe one day, though i'm in the "uhhh nah" camp.


Originally posted by lillildipsy

will definitely keep this in mind, thanks for the reply. thought about trying to go straight into an apprenticeship but now that you mention it making some of my own stuff first makes sense

No problem, it's also worth noting many folk don't even have degrees. Some make mods and such for various games and are able to use these as their portfolio pieces.


Originally posted by Throwtowardsme5555

How much of your work goes with sitting in a meeting room and discussing subjects with colleagues, and how much of your time goes with sitting at the computer?

Ie. how hands on is your job, and how much is planning?

It's pretty well balanced, i'd say a good 50/50 or sometimes 60/40 weighted towards hands-on.

We have our regular sprint ceremonies which are consistent meetings to cover our sprint to sprint workings, various forms of team syncs, and other project specific meetings.

Outside of that i'm at my "desk" doing hands-on stuff. It can vary a lot though, at different points of a project we'll have different frequencies of meetings or no-meetings.


Originally posted by Thus_RS

Can you explain the testing process post initial QA? Specifically for playability. Do the QA testers play Runescape or are they required to be familiar with gameplay?

Core playtesting for the purpose of playability falls on everyone, not just QA. There aren't hard requirements to be familiar with Runescape but it is very much encouraged as it helps A LOT. That being said, we have a lot of RS players that vary from casual to more hardcore, and specialise in their own forms of content i.e. "PvMers" or "Questers."

Designers, developers, artists, and QA are all part of ensuring playability meets the standard they're aiming for, and each project and team might handle that differently. At a baseline, we do have at least one QA playtest for every project but also have things called bug bashes where we'll try to "QA" an update as a team.

As part of the agile workflow we also have regular sprint reviews where other teams and stakeholders are able to play and review updates, for example. There's other opportunities for playtesting across the lifecycle of a project too i won't bore you with, but it can take many forms.


Originally posted by SnooCheesecakes5850

What is a mechanic that didn’t get added into the game and why?

Sorry, this is a very vague question so you'll get a vague answer.

LOTS and LOTS and LOTS. Whether they're in the ideation phase or prototype phase, lots of things don't make it to the final stage. Game design and development is an evolutionary process, whereby the things that don't work for whatever reason get culled as projects progress.

It may be because the idea isn't great, maybe because the surrounding designs don't allow it, maybe the games technology is not advanced enough to allow it, or maybe people just disagree on it... could be any number of reasons. Game development is a creative medium and has lots of challenges and obstacles at every stage.


Originally posted by IM_Elysian_Wolf

I loved reading Mod Mark's June 2009 "The Unforgettable Tale of A Lead Designer" dev blog about blue blocks in quests. I listed a few quotes below.

Im sure things probably have changed since the Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf quest.. but is there a similiar process that goes on today for say Desperate Times quest? Are blue blocks still a thing?

If you're the right person to ask about this - I'm not sure.

Some quotes from Mod Mark's dev blog: (from RS Wiki)

"But things were a In fact, most of the new areas and quest-specific characters were just blue boxes, as the Graphics team were still working on the new graphics."

"This is always quite an odd experience, dodging level 70 blue boxes or trying to find the blue box-shaped key amongst your inventory of blue woodblock objects."

Edit 2: Ok on RS Wiki - another dev blog by Mod John A on July 30th 2009 has a before and after comparison of the area with blue blocks and the area...

Yes indeed. This is common practice in the industry and can be known as whiteboxing when referring to a level or gameworld.

Generally graphical assets take longer to create than functionality and so we work with placeholder assets. Those may be blue boxes (or any other colour), or an NPC model borrowed from elsewhere. Whatever it may be, we just need something physical to carry out our work and testing on. What you never want to do is create a bunch of beautiful finalised assets that took months to create only to realise they don't work for whatever reason. Doing that earlier with placeholder boxes and NPCs is a perfect way to avoid that :)

These types of iterations also serve as quick ways to prototype and test the flow of a mechanic or level without doing basically everything. When prototyping boss mechanics for example, we tend to use cabbages as a physical means of testing - for example a dragon breath and its radius.

When all these things are finalised...

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Originally posted by toddhoppus

Not really sure if these count, but:

As a dev, which update was the most fun/enjoyable piece of content to work on? And why?

And which piece of content (that you've worked on) has impacted you the most as a player?

Mining & Smithing was my favourite project to work on. I only joined in the final ~6 months of its ~18 month long production cycle but i enjoyed it because it was my first project in the industry, i got to learn an incredible amount about everything game dev, it was a huge project and i like those better than smaller ones, and we were very open and communicative with our players on it. It also was a project that allowed me to shine in a lot of areas and prove myself and my knowledge and experiences.

In terms of what's affected me most, i'd say Ninja albeit not exactly one project or piece of content. Not one single change we made in Ninja hasn't affected me in some way during playing. Every single day i'll come across something we changed and it makes me that little bit happier because it's an improvement to our games quality of life and a little bit less friction encountered :)


Originally posted by kathaar_

As a fellow QA Analyst, I gotta ask 2 things:

  1. Is QA split into sub-teams like Content, Marketing, Mobile, etc?

  2. I beg of you, do your best to debunk the "Jagex has no QA" myth that floats around this community. It's infuriating.

QA at Jagex functions as a service team. Within our roles we are allocated to products as required, with a focus on certain ones. Personally i've only ever been an analyst on RS but there are others who've moved between products and departments whether it was required or because they requested it.


Originally posted by DarkNotch

I've always wondered which parts of the QA process have been automated. Are there a set of tests that run automatically in a pipeline before all updates to production? If yes, what do these tests look like and which aspects of the game do these tests cover? As a bonus: How long does it take to run them all 🤔

In the past we haven't had much automation in a traditional sense. Testing was very much manual but we did have test scripts and various tools to make our lives easier. One such example is simulating drop tables after killing NPCs or populating areas for performance testing.

In more recent years, the departments gone through changes to introduce and bolster our automation capabilities. A few live projects have already made use of this such as Yak Tracks and Treasure Hunter promotions, as well as automated tests for graphical work we've done. We've also diversified the types of roles we hire for within QA such as engineers and SDETs to better work towards the goal of more automation.

Beyond that we've also started using more standard tools such as Xray for test writing and planning, whereby we could integrate automation and with the click of a button could execute an automated test, saving us lots of time!

Small aside - Mod Dolan is a big advocate for such th...

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Originally posted by Koshfra

QA is usually seen as something that happens as part of a new feature or change in the code. But as a software engineer working on a fairly large project, I know that what might have been acceptable when a change was introduced (potentially years ago) might no longer be acceptable. This goes beyond identifying clear bugs that might have been introduced with a more recent change.

For example, I would argue that Nex's There is No Escape! attack no longer stands up to modern standards of boss design. It is a mechanic that is trivially avoided, so when Nex jumps off to Narnia mid kill to threaten no one it really stands out.

As another example, I know there was a mod that played Sheep Herder as part of a stream and was so shocked by that gameplay that they went out of their way to revamp it to make less terrible.

Do you have some sort of internal process for periodically revisiting older gameplay? If so, how do you decide that something is so egregious it deser...

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No, we don't explictly have tasks to go back and test and refine old projects/content.

In general we all (QA/devs etc.) play the game and have the freedom to pitch changes to content if we so wish. Agreeing upon those changes and getting them scheduled is a different topic. Typically though these may come as ninja/ninja-esque changes. You'll also find certain Jmods fond of certain content such as quests or bosses that they gravitate toward and want to "modernise".

We may also come across issues or just general friction while testing new projects or changes and those might lead to making changes mid-project for example, but that's not too common. More often than not, we're rewriting smaller functions and testing the updates to those to gradually eliminate tech debt, for example.

There's a deeper topic here to be discussed which is - how much, if any, of old content with such a longstanding game should or can we keep updating and is our time better used to del...

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Originally posted by DakeyrasWrites

Which existing part of the codebase would you most like to see rewritten, from a developer perspective? (Left intentionally generic since I'm not sure if the answer would be more along the lines of 'All the code for woodcutting' or '<backend package> which handles all the death animations')

There are quite a few and i'm sure it'd vary from dev to dev but that's just the nature of a longstanding game. Personally I'd like for the equipment dye system to be reworked.

Currently every dyed piece of equipment is a new type of object, so on top of having "new" "used" "augmented" and "broken" versions you now have "new_ice" "used_ice" and "augmented_ice" variants which is not ideal - it inflates development and QA time and can get messy.

One way it could possibly work is similar to how invention perks work, whereby an item is always the same "augmented" version, but an object-based variable on the item says whether or not it has a perk and what level. The same could be done for saying "this item should show the blood dye model". I could be wrong of course, but that'd be a nice rewrite. Still doesn't solve how much art effort would be required for a new dye though :P


Originally posted by P_G_12

Can you give us some more insight into RuneScript? Always been curious about it, but the few examples in the wiki are simple.

Like, is everything made with RuneScript? From NPCs, to quest, dialogues, monsters, fight mechanics, teleports, spells, skills, monster IA, etc.

The OSRS Wiki page on it that someone else has linked is actually pretty descriptive and is about as much as i'd be able to share with you anyway, worth giving that a read :D