
Runescape Dev Tracker

14 Apr


It is intentional that you are stopped when you discover an artefact.

Prior to this update, if you were to press esc the popup would close and you would continue to excavate. However, this was not the case if you were to press spacebar. The fix that this patch note relates to is that pressing spacebar will now do the same thing.


Originally posted by ImRubic

If this past month is we what can expect to see in the future than I am hopeful. I hope this continues and not something to expect once in a blue moon. I understand currently it may be hard considering everyone's transition though.

The biggest key issue I personally see is the negative impact XP handouts have on this game. I recognize player engagement doesn't change within recent times but I'd look at projecting that at something such as OSRS or a time before MTX was as strong as it was in RS3 to really understand the impact it has had on the game.

I think events such as the Master Crafting event are steps in the right direction but I think the Easter event was several steps backwards. No one is asking for a complex holiday, but rather one where very little new assets are created and then re-used and piled upon each year. All of that being in the form of a miniquest, something with a puzzle/interactions not just dialogue and an item turn in.

On a...

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Revamped website is coming! I have been very vocal about this internally and have some great support for getting this changed up. :) Again, another area we are trying to change how we work. Web is a beast!

What would you like for better API's? Do you have a wish list?


We have fixed this issue however it did not make it into this weeks update.


Originally posted by yaksnax

Given that the bosses are on the 5th wave, can you still suicide on the last wave and unlock the next set of 5? Kinda gross that floor pushers could 'skip' them like that if so

It should be no longer possible to do this. You need to legitimately complete the world to advance.


Originally posted by KagsPortsV4

Comma separators have been added to a number of places where bigger numbers are displayed in an info-box and/or chat message.

Could we please add comma separators to Shattered Worlds quick-chat messages too? Like total anima gained ever, max hit done, max hit received, total deaths (lol).

Good spot! I missed this one. We will look to get that sorted now :) It won't be launched today though


Thank you for the feedback Sheva. It takes a team to get there for sure, they do a great job looking through all the player feedback and choosing some good updates! Definitely takes time to unfold bigger directional changes. Hardest part is to keep it going at a sustainable pace, challenge ourselves, innovate when we can and not become complacent/fall back into older patterns. Still so much more we can do and I personally have a lot learn ahead about our players and RS. I know a lot more than I did 8 months ago :) Best part we can keep talking!

Very happy with how players enjoy Archaeology and seeing the difference a Ninja can make!


Xenial is not supported, the minimum is Ubuntu 18.04 (or debian 10)


Originally posted by criipi

Is there at least a nice Slayer XP drop or something? Haven't had the chance to test it yet but it sounds like the addition of bosses introduced a new annoyance without an incentive to fight them.

Anima/combat XP drops should be higher for bosses from what i remember.

In general the bosses are balanced in such a way that the time taken to do the world is similar/near to what it would've taken if it was a different objective, with the challenge being in the bosses having slight higher (shattered worlds) stats and of course their mechanics.


Thanks for the kind words! I'll be sure to pass them along to our hard working team members! πŸ₯°


Originally posted by wildman444

I seriously love what you’ve guys been doing to RS3 the last couple of months. Please keep up the motivation and the hype, and don’t let this game die over the next 5+ years.❀️ Edit: MORE RS3 STREAMS!!! Even if it’s just sundays cup of tea with the jagex team once a month.

Thank you for the feedback! We were able to re-align some resources, purpose, focus and efforts differently to do these kind of releases faster along side the bigger content. The priority, attention and pace has changed and we are discussion the content with our players a bit differently too. Starting to see some off the benefits of the changes. :)

Also, I like the way you think about live streams. I have been chatting with the community team about them. Would like to see some things changed up on our format and programming, open to some ideas from the community tbh. Still WIP, but would like to try some new things out.

RS is nowhere near dying :) Imagine how many Ninja strikes we can accomplish in just a year!


Originally posted by Habblet

The newspost is missing links to the Patch Notes and the Wellbeing During Isolation article (there are two rogue <link> tags)



Originally posted by VinceValeker

Ah so you dont get the "Kree's wings blow you away" message and etc?

Also may I suggest the Tormented Wrath as a miniboss type thing? (You'll have to remove the Black Equipment restriction)

Yeah you can fight Kree with Melee in the minigame


None of the Shattered Worlds bosses have style resistances. We made a specific point of making it that way so that you don't have to carry all 3 styles in the event you run in to a boss that doesn't match up.

A similar example is we didn't add KBD because we didn't want people to take antifires every trip on the chance KBD might spawn.


Originally posted by kerapac_says_no

Why not just change the left click option to teleport? As if anyone was ever going to talk to that guy.

It has been implemented in this way to allow you to opt out of having a one click teleport to a place that is dangerous for some players and that skulls you.