
Runescape Dev Tracker

20 Jan


When this was raised shortly after Comp Rework we discussed that we'd try not to add any/more exceptions to how benefits from capes worked regarding the Comp cape - which is why this hasn't been changed since.

However, I've just now made a feedback job to look into this and see what changes we can make. I can't tell you right now what those changes are or when it'll come, however. if you have any suggestions other than "only apply when wearing the Ardougne Cape" though feel free to reply to this comment :)


Originally posted by CutLonzosHair2017

Placating to imagined slights does more harm than good in my opinion. Either way though, not a big deal.

I disagree. There was the chance to make the game experience better for some at literally no cost to any other players (the joke has not been removed, just rejigged).

It cost me a cup of tea, I'm ok with that price.


Originally posted by NightfallRS

Thank you for using your time to fix REAL issues with the game

Took about 12 seconds to fix to be fair, hardly even classes as time spent. I was going to make a cup of tea but did this instead.

Ironically checking/replying to these posts took longer. ;)


Originally posted by A_Vitalis_RS

Does this fix the AoD/Solak multihitting issue?

Presumably that's what Ramen's hinting at with the deep issues in RS' combat system


Hi, thank you for raising this. It's being investigated now. ~Mod Shrew


So this isn't a trans joke. I can see where you're coming from with the wording being similar to the meme, but this wasn't the intention.

As I recall the writer of this joke was referencing a subclass of the furry fandom, with scaleys being furries who have avatars that are lizards or dragons or similar, rather than a gender/pronoun choice. So at this point Sliske was hitting on the guard by implying they're part of the furry community, nothing more.

I'll put a job in to tweak the wording, but this was absolutely not intended as a trans joke.

19 Jan