
Runescape Dev Tracker

15 Nov


Originally posted by DarthLizardWizard

Recently got 'the Ravensworn' title so I'm sorely tempted to get the RunePass because of the Raven Outfit.

Everything that's in the game that has to do with raven cosmetics, and thus Mod Raven (my favorite developer at Jagex) , has to do with a lot of effort and dedication (a reflection of what Mod Raven does for Runescape). The two main ones being 'the Ravensworn' title, a huge pain, and the Ravensworn Cape (awesome cape btw) which requires you to kill Memory of Nomad at least once and have the Ravensworn title. Neither of which requires you to use MTX and shall always be available to earn.

Now a raven outfit that is gated behind MTX. Sure you have to do stuff to get it but it's also limited time stuff. Rediculous.

Honestly, the stuff they are releasing for RunePass looks like it should have come out as rewards for this year's Halloween event and/or quest.

So no more fun holiday stuff you must pay more for it. Not only that they are disparaging the...

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Whilst I have a lot of love for the thought behind this post I do feel a need to step in and stand up for the Live Events guys here. They're trying something new, which is what people asked for, and they've put a lot of work and love into this.

Sure the cosmetics are raven themed, but they're not ravensworn themed and have no impact on that "achievement" and crucially they don't stop me adding more ravensworn stuff in if I can find an artist that's bored/drunk enough to sneak it in.

I got to see much of the concept art and (surprising no one given my ego) supported the cool imagery.

There are as many raven interpretations as there are creative minds in the cosmos, so let this simply be one variation. If I get a chance to sneak more ravensworn cosmetics in, they'll be quite different to this anyway.

I for one welcome more of the raven aesthetic and I do not feel the live events guys have been anything but flattering with their choice of image...

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They're not pets, they're baby "animals" for the Ranch Out of Time. These will grow into Full grown dinosaurs that you'll be able to harvest etc.

You can obtain their eggs from BGH and Anachronia dinosaur slayer right now.


Originally posted by Buurtjee

I do have some questions actually

  1. What are the auto complete tokens shown in the picture? Also how do you obtain them?

  2. These challenges are, for my understanding, not daily bound right? So If I want to complete 50 challenges in 1 day, theoretically I could?

Looking forward to try this out :)

  1. The tokens are obtained via bond purchase, though if we decide to run more of these in future we may consider it as potential reward space for other stuff.

  2. There is no timegating, I fully expect some people to finish it within a week easily if they focus on it.


I believe this is part of the free camera isn't it?
We're heard the feedback regarding this and will be making changes to the freecam, however. it takes a bit of time because it's baked into the engine


Apologies, these should be much clearer now.


Originally posted by DeguRS

Will this include this years Prem club too? or only next year.

Both! (i.e. as long as you have active Premier Club membership, you have access to Premier Pass).


Originally posted by legolasvin

Forgive me if I missed something, but I see stuff about premier club and premier pass and f2p. How many rewards will normal members be eligible for?

You'll be able to access the free track (if you purchase Premier Pass you'll be able to access the Premium track).


Originally posted by LocalChamp

Which raises the question what happens to those items when it does?

They will remain in there, but you won't be able to store anything else until you've returned below the limit.


Originally posted by Ik_oClock

I don't think the table of what you get per premier club level looks very good on desktop browser. The scrolling is annoying and it would be much easier to see what you get if the table was smaller.

Thanks for the feedback. I've passed it on to our Web team.

14 Nov


Hey all, sorry for being late to the party! I am the primary dev on this project (though had plenty of help recently <3) so if you have any questions (especially more in-depth/technical stuff) feel free to ask :)


Originally posted by Sesylya

Suggestion: use Hearts of Ice to choose a specific prize, with the cost based on the rarity of the item.

That's actually a really clever idea. Maybe something we can incorporate in future.


Originally posted by TheDrunkSemaphore

To clarify - will TH promotions still happen?

Very bold of you guys to not run the "Time to train" promotion during DXP week. I'm hoping this works out, I much prefer this sort of system.

I believe Time To Train will happen over the first weekend of Double XP Weekend - it will, however, not be running whilst the experiment I mention above will be on.


Originally posted by Hairy_Cabbage

Sorry if this has been asked already, but the news post states that its free for those who have premium membership. Does this include those of us that still have this years premium membership and don't want to be forced to re-buy another year way earlier just to take advantage of this?

Yes, it should.


Originally posted by [deleted]


It tags on to the end


Hey there! The annual Black Friday Sale commences on the 22nd of November - over 100 items up for grabs (if we're including bank presets). Sadly no Aura's on sale this time round - I would like to do one soon, though it's unlikely to be until after Christmas.


A code Wizard at work I see ;)