
Runescape Dev Tracker

09 Apr


Originally posted by ldvgvnbtvn

Can you please also make a freedom camera which moves like classic rather than like RS3 camera? Thanks

I did that at the same time, so I assume that will get through at around the same time the zoom sensitivity slider is out.


Originally posted by I_Kinda_Fail

I mean, she's only half reptile, the other half is humanoid, isn't it? It's like with centaurs, would the top half of a female centaur have breasts, or would their lower half have nipples for their young? How would they drink from the human nipples if they're so high up in the air? Do they lose their horse nipples?

Regardless, it's fantasy, and this is apparently someone's addition to the fantasy.

Quite so, and that's where the artist went.

She's a god, not a reptile, and thus can take whatever form she wishes, anatomy and reality be damned.

08 Apr


Hello everyone,

I just wanted to give you all a heads up that we've had to disable the ability to wear the new 'Risen' outfit for all players.

Currently, any players on the Java client would immediately crash when a player had this outfit on in their client and they've be unable to log back in whatsoever if the outfit was still in view when they attempt to login.

The Risen outfit uses our new material system which we're working on in NXT which caused an issue on Java, hence the crash.

For now we'll be taking the following steps.

  • Implement a hotfix to disable the outfit being worn (note: you will still crash if you decide to try and preview the outfit in your wardrobe in the Java client)
  • Remove the outfit being shown on display at Solomon's store just outside the Varrock GE.

We'd also like to do a coldfix (reboot of the game), however with the impending maintenance taking place tomorrow we're unable to con...

Read more External link β†’

I'm pretty sure you clicked it and probably pressed space at the same time so the game didn't click onto that, wait one tick then try it


Originally posted by kookoog

You can still get Mirrorback spawns p4 (when no specials are lefts) , source, have title, I seen’t it

The final set of spiders can contain a support spider when in p4 yes. I have recently bought this up in a combat council meeting however as this bothered me when I did raxi recently too.


Yeah, this was originally missed (my fault) so wanted to make sure this got added after I checked with the relevant stakeholders on the reasonings why, apologies for that!


Originally posted by 5-x

I don't see why you listed in-progress combat achievements in the newspost. They're subject to change, it's still very early days and the list is incomplete. Stop trying to make newsposts appear longer.

Here's the big news: we're inviting you, the players, to help decide where each achievement belongs.

This is not big news.

They're just as an example, also to your point it may not be big news for you however some people (who are actually just joining discord as I speak) weren't aware, so always good to spread the message :)


This is certainly something that should be looked at.

A few weeks ago I did dev work on a zoom sensitivity slider, so hopefully that alleviates the issue somewhat :) (once it gets through the QA process obviously)