
Rust Dev Tracker

01 Aug


Originally posted by DevinOlsen

This month, we are changing how the classic bush rustle sounds work. Bush sounds will now be audible to players around you.

This wasn't the case before? Holy I am dumb.

We even had to double-check if it was broken or never implemented. It was never implemented.


Originally posted by panix199

[QoL] Change heli's behaviour the way it's described here in this thread "The ‘No-Go zones’ Patrol heli mechanic is backwards and here’s why:"

Thanks - We've seen the feedback and are actively discussing internally.


Originally posted by the_innkeeper_

Thanks! The ex-staff member has now been executed.


Originally posted by Deadmilkmenstuart

rpc error whenever interacting with a vehicle... playing on a modded server tho so idk if its a symptom of a mod or of the update. Disconnects you from server.

Oxide has now released a big for this issue. Server owners need to apply the latest version to resolve this issue.


Shockbyte raised the price following my request, I asked them to raise their hardware specifications to offer customers a better experience. 5GB was the base plan, it's now 8GB.

Better hardware will cost more but ultimately give you a better hosting and gameplay experience.

This is on me, not them. It's not to squeeze out more money.

Currently, Rust servers out of the box running 4500 worldsize require 8GB for the optimal experience. Servers hosting beyond 300 players can see up to 20GB usage.

05 Jul


Originally posted by tiwomm

[BUG] Unsure if it's intended or not, but when you use the "Friendly" emoji, your hands don't go down sometimes.

Thanks - we'll have this fixed today.


Originally posted by RealLinja

[BUG] Projectiles dont deal damage to doors, eoka shells, pistol bullets (wooden doors) heard complaints explo ammo also not working. Could be also server problem.

Thanks - we'll have this fixed today.


Originally posted by grepdashv

[BUG] Heater radius/sphere is now very badly broken for providing warmth to plants. Previous behavior was that almost all plants in a 2x3 (with the heater at the top center) would have 100% temperature. Some plants would have temperature happiness in the 90s. Now almost none of the plants are even affected at all. Please revert this "fix" immediately: Fixed electric heaters not heating planters right in front of them

Thanks - we'll have this fixed today. It'll require a server update, if still broken please flag to your server owner.


Originally posted by ShiftlessDrifter

[BUG] - Streamsnipers on Oilrats' stream drove their tugboat up against his small water base, and the Tugboat privilege overrides his own TC priv in-base.

Thanks - we're currently looking into this.

24 Jun


For the rest of this year, yes, we have drops every month. Upcoming ones are focused more on long-established Rust creators.

18 Jun


Not us, this is a fraudulent takedown. Please ensure you dispute it, if you have trouble doing so, try reaching out to me directly. I'll look into this.

10 Jun


jiggle jiggle

07 Jun


Originally posted by hxdaro

Thanks a bunch for all the lovely QoL features in the past updates. This devblog was amazing.

[QoL] Since forever now, weapon reload animations finish faster than the actual reload event happens. Improving this would make gunplay feel a lot more modern and snappy.

We'll put this on our list, this month to review and resolve

06 Jun


Originally posted by ShiftlessDrifter

Thank you for the report, we have confirmed and have a fix, which will be published in the coming hours.


Originally posted by element39

The faster "last used code" added this update only applies to entering codes on code locks that are already locked - NOT on the initial programming entry. That one is still slow.

This is the current intended behaviour to reduce the possibility of spam replacement of doors (during raids). While the debris system works well to prevent this, it doesn't cover all cases.

03 May


Originally posted by Prankstar

I just had the bug, it's not fixed.

We've reopened the ticket, I'll report back in a few years.

02 May


Originally posted by 66_Skywalker_66

idk if it's bug or something but when you throw object in air directly looking up, it dissapears after hitting ground. thrown objects also have jitter.

It's a bug resulting from anti-hack measures.


Originally posted by 66_Skywalker_66

were doors sometimes not pickable until you place lock on it fixed?(i have too much time waiting for queue)

Yes, this issue was fixed a few months back. It only took us 8 years.


Originally posted by Novel-Regular4438

Must be bug free!

F to doubt


Originally posted by RustiDome

Howdy, have any good sandwiches lately
