
Rust Dev Tracker

05 Oct


Originally posted by cartmon299

[BUG] Metro tunnels puzzle reset kill area is too big/high, kills sleepers inside their base on the surface when the puzzle resets.

Seed 1769426143 Size 4500

F1 Screenshot

Map screenshot

Thank you for the report, we'll take a look at this issue.


Originally posted by undergroundflaps

My penis in game got smaller for some reason.

Use it or lose it.


Originally posted by spykids1010

[BUG] Twig foundations (triangle and square) don't have a soft side anymore. I noticed this when I was building and tried to destroy a twig foundation it didn't take the damage it was supposed to on the soft side (middle upper part)

Thanks, we've just pushed a server-side update for this issue. Server owners will need to update their servers to apply the fix.

22 Sep


This is so awesome! Please tag me when it's finished!

08 Sep


Originally posted by coopalosey

[BUG] global rendering not working after turning on and restarting game?

We have currently disabled global rendering while we address several bugs. It'll be enabled again in the coming days.

07 Sep


Originally posted by unfknreal

[BUG] Building textures on floors and foundations only half visible.

edit to add: started after enabling global rendering

Thanks for the report, I suspect you're running an AMD GPU. Can you share the exact model of GPU you're using please?


Originally posted by ItsBOOM


I was running around an official server, and got kicked with the following error message:

Disconnected: Exception (cs:87309): Null ReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Building Block.FinishUpgradeEffect () (at ...

Don't believe I was near anyone building. I enabled the experimental Global Rendering btw. Windows 10, RTX 3070, Ryzen 5 5600X

Thank you for the report. We're tracking this issue and hope to have a fix out in the coming hours.

29 Aug


This is amazing! Thank you for sharing <3

05 Aug


Originally posted by relaximnewaroundhere

[Bug] teammates greendot and name move way to the right of the player when nightvision goggles are on.

Thanks for this report, we'll get this looked at.


Originally posted by philipodev

[BUG] You get killed and sometimes also kicked for InsideTerrainViolation when sitting at the computer station in Missile Silos and viewing a camera.

Thanks for the report - we've got this logged internally now and will issue a fix in an upcoming update.

10 Jul


We've seen many reports surrounding this, we're investigating.

07 Jul


Originally posted by Xinouth

[BUG] pistols dropped on open ground are swallowed by the ground itself.

Had this happen twice when a player died: a P2 went missing, later a python

When attempting to drop another p2 to find where the python may have slipped to, watched it go down through the ground.

We've released a fix for this, server owners need to update their servers.


Originally posted by ShiftlessDrifter

[BUG] Campfires on tugboats don't remove wet.

Thanks - We've got this issue logged, and it'll be looked at over the coming days.


Originally posted by Icy_Percentage1643

Rust + server paring isn't working

We're currently investigating this issue.

10 Jun


Originally posted by djmd1

Kick is basically where all of the dregs that couldn't make it on Twitch go. It's like a giant toilet. No one with any credibility streams there. The entire site is run on gambling money and cocaine. Good luck over there, Alistair.

No plans to do any events with Kick, it has a lot of maturing before we'd ever consider that.

My point in that Tweet was for Twitch to stop messing up. We love Twitch, but seeing many creators try other platforms is causing a rift because of Twitch's failings which will restrict our ability to run exclusive events on Twitch.

01 Jun


Originally posted by thethugbaker

Eggsuit paint can't be seen unless you get right next (and I mean right next to) to someone. I'm guessing this was done to reduce their camouflage effectiveness, but it kind of defeats the value of the skin if I have to have someone basically hug me to see the paint on it. I tested this on multiple graphics settings and it's happening to my entire team. We're the egg squad.

This isn't intentional - We'll have this fixed shortly.


Originally posted by swasilik

Constantly get "Disconnect: EAC: Client integrity violation" when trying to join a server. Never had this error before.

If you're encountering this issue, please try to verify files. This should resolve the issue.

18 May

11 May


Originally posted by Pancrat

There’s a threshold where you’ll be banned for getting mass reported
