
Rust Dev Tracker

02 May


Originally posted by LittleSquirtv2

[Bug] u/Alistair_Mc I don't see the $250 pay to win version in the shop

It's because you're not a true believer

05 Apr


Originally posted by kryillos

Looks like Virgcon

bruh 😅 gotta start somewhere


This is my favorite thing this week! lol what con was this?

04 Apr


Originally posted by Biotche

having serious issues with directional sound.. everything sounds like it's right next to me, and it's impossible to hear where people are. No issues before the update

Thanks, we're looking into it.

Update - We have identified the issue and are pushing an update within the next hour.


Originally posted by tortorials

There appears to be a sound bug when shooting. The gunshot sounds play twice

Do you have any more details on this? All weapons?

Update - We have identified the issue and are pushing an update within the next hour.

13 Mar


Originally posted by Ready-Accountant-502

A lot more than you think. According to facepunch official 2022 stats. There were two million players and over 800,000 banns. That's just the ones who were caught.

Scripting in rust is the most common, ESP is toggled during raids and monument runs. Most hackers toggle because you're less likely to get caught.

My assumption is, players don't want to lose loot they spent hours acquiring, so they cheat. Which pretty much eliminates the point of rust anyway.

This is also why Rust is so toxic. Cheaters know they can't lose. So they power trip on the fact that they can treat players however they wish and they can get away with it.

Ironically, if someone is cheating in a video game it's most likely compensation for being a neckbeard/incel in real life.

The way these stats were presented and communicated wasn't good.

17+ million sales, and 800k bans in Rust's lifetime, a high % of these bans were not permanent bans, they were temporary suspensions or bans unrelated to cheating.

In 2022, we saw 9 million unique accounts, not 2 million. The two million was a reference to just Facepunch servers.

Many cheat accounts were temporarily banned pending investigation; then, a permanent ban was applied. This counted as two bans in our metrics.

19 Jan


If you're having this issue, can you try the Staging branch and let me know if you're still having problems please.

04 Jan


Originally posted by greaserkitty

Alistair, it seems the biggest fear in the community right now is the appearance that nothing is happening. Recent updates on the state of anticheat have been just "we're working on it" paraphrased vaguely. No one expects a complete breakdown of how you're combatting it, but give us something. Community morale goes a long way. Give us lists of banned names. Something.

I have given you something.

We used to have a live public feed of banned players for several years. Only a few paid attention, aside from cheaters using it to advertise their cheats by placing the cheat names/links in their player name and treating the list as a high score of how often they got banned.

Many server owners used the feed to ban users with common cheat names and blacklist IPs relating to certain Steam accounts, it wasn't healthy for Rust and legitimate players got caught up.


Originally posted by karmoin

QOL - Please, please can there be tweaks to the ripe plant death time. Farming is nearly unusable for solo players as a result of the fast plant death times. I can’t plant crops before I get off for the night and collect them in the morning because they die after like 6 hours of being ripe. Also it means if I want to plant something I have to commit to being on long enough to harvest them or they’ll die.

We'll review this, it certainly could be better.


Originally posted by greaserkitty

i love that the cheating response is still 'it's a secret, but we're working on it.'


What type of information would you like us to share?

In the blog, I shared:

  • The best anti-cheat measure is obscurity, which is why we don't share details on what we are and are not doing.

  • We ship frequent updates to combat cheat features

  • EAC ships frequent updates to combat cheats

  • We've over doubled our support staff last year to help aid in tackling cheaters

  • Ours and EAC systems are seeing large and rapid improvements

  • We're going to continue hiring more staff to assist at improving our anti-cheat efforts

  • This year we're going throw more resources at anticheat than ever before

07 Dec


Originally posted by Enjoyer_333

[BUG?QOL] Bears shouldn't camp you when inside a Legacy Hut

Swimming in a river before going into your hut will prevent agro from animals.


Originally posted by sykot1c

[BUG] Ragdolls in boats prevent boats, at least the small boat, from driving.

Thanks. We're aware of issues surrounding ragdolls and specific vehicles. We hope to have a fix out within the next 24hours.

03 Nov


Originally posted by yacvaguer

Bug with the building I checked there are other people in the server with same issue\_close\_to\_another\_building\_is\_happening\_way/

We're currently looking into this.



02 Nov


Originally posted by skymanpl

Please disable DLSS, we'll have a fix out shortly.


For now, please disable DLSS in the options menu. We'll have a fix out shortly.


For now, please disable DLSS in the options menu. We'll have a fix out shortly.


For now, please disable DLSS in the options menu. We'll have a fix out shortly.

24 Oct