about 3 years
ago -
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Hello everyone happy Monday! We are back with another Development update and this time I managed to sneak in a couple of pics as well!

That's all for now folks, we will see you soon!

- Fixing the motorcycle log out issues.
- Creating physics model for new vehicles.
- Further work on trader UI.
- Finished new crafting recipes calculation system.
- Working on new crafting recipe cache system.
- Working on the buy system from trader NPCs.
- Fixing the chest inventory issues.
- Resolving the Single player outpost issues.
- Creating the airplane location damage model.

- Creating new UI for the bank system.
- Fixing the door issues within PvE/safe zones.
- Refactoring the code.
- Profiling the lag that occurs when scoped in.
- Bug fixing in general.

- Inspecting and optimizing the outposts.
- Reworking the stone houses.
- Reworking the ruined houses.
- Retexturing continental houses.
- Adding further options for texturing in editor.

- Retexturing the interiors.
- Retexturing the coastal houses.

- Research of system for rolling up sleeves.
- Creating the Machette model.
- Creating animations for new bike model.
- Creating the new cars components.
- Cleaning up tasks for animations
- Finishing parachute animations.
- Creating animations for airplanes.
- Creating the interior concept art for shops.
- Finished the VHS rifles.
- Creating new attachments for the VHS rifles.

- Reworking the spear models.
- Optimizing the weapon textures.
- Improving vehicles dashboards.
- Creating new jackets.

- Fixing the sound bugs.
- Implementing better doppler effect.
- Creating new airplane sounds.

- Working with the community on the blood donation event,
- Further cheater hunting.
- Testing the new features.
- Reporting the issues from the community.
- Responding to the community questions.
- Testing the 0.7 issues.

- Developing new features.
- Streamlining the pipeline process.
- Choosing features for the next regular update.
- Revising the 0.7 development.
That's all for now folks, we will see you soon!