about 17 hours ago - Beda - Direct link
Hey hey everyone, happy Thursday! As mentioned in the community address here comes the last content update before 1.0! Check it out!

Like announced on Tuesday, this update will contain a soft wipe as well, in preparation for next months anit-cheat update!

First up, a new bow, the Manchu bow! With its slick design and stealthy mechanics, it is a perfect choice for taking out puppets or other players when you do not want to be heard. It might look big, but we consider it the perfect size!

Next up the, even before it released, a fan favorite. The improvised Trash ghillie suit is here. Let the terror in urban areas begin! As soon as you craft one, Find a good spot, hide and wait. Just make sure there is not another trash wookie in that spot you did not notice yet!

Welcome back old friend. With its refreshed look, adjusted to fit all the new clothing, the b/w polka dot is back! You can camoflauge yourself... well nowhere really but it looks fly af.

  • Fixed the exploit where you could farm grenades on Sentries.
  • Fixed the bug where you could crawl in ADS while in prone full snake mode.
  • Fixed the bug where your drone would sometimes teleport all over the place.
  • Fixed the bug where fire sources such as bonfires would be destroyed if your lighter was in vicinity.
  • Fixed the bug where your fish would disappear if you had nothing in holsters and you chose to keep or release it.
  • Numerous server crash fixes.
  • Various smaller bug fixes.

We have added two new features to the server settings to ensure that you can keep your database clean of inactive users.
  • Delete inactive players <- located in general
    By default it is on
    By default the number of inactive days is set to 180, minimum value 1, maximum value 3600
    On server startup if your Delete inactive players is set to on, it will delete users that haven't logged in for 180 days or more from your database. (It depends what you set the number to)
    If you keep this setting on, it will keep deleting users on every startup if there are users that haven't logged in for the set time.
    Deleted users will be written in the Admin.log on server startup, they will be below "deleting inactive users".

  • Delete banned players
    This setting is a bit more volatile, by default it is turned off.
    This setting reads your BannedUsers.ini and then it syncs the steamIDs from banned users ini with the users in database and it deletes them on server startup. This means that it will delete all users that are in BannedUsers.ini, you have to be careful if you have banned someone "for fun" cause his character will get deleted.
    If you put this setting to on, after the deletion on server startup it will be returned back to off. You have to set it to on manually every time.
    Deleted users will be written in Admin.log on server startup, they will be below "deleting banned users".
How you should perform deleting banned users from your database in server settings UI:
  1. Make sure your BannedUsers.ini is currently not being edited and that it's not open (beware if you have a bot connected to your server)
  2. Make changes to the BannedUsers.ini, make sure that it is in the state you want it to be. If you put a steamID in there for fun, his user will be deleted as well.
  3. After you have made all changes and turned of all bots, etc. Save the BannedUsers.ini and wait for at least 15 seconds.
  4. Turn the setting to on
  5. Restart the server
How you should perform deleting banned users from your database while the server is turned off (safer way):
  1. Turn the server off
  2. Turn off all bots interacting with your .ini files
  3. Make sure your BannedUsers.ini is in the state you want it to be
  4. Go to ServerSettings.ini and set scum.DeleteBannedUsers=0 to 1, save file
  5. Start the server

And last but certainly not least, we wish to welcome a new hosting site with SCUM servers available. If you are looking to rent a server, POCKETHOST[scum-servers.com] is here to help. So make sure you check them out!

Until next time, talk to you soon! - Beda