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Hello everyone, happy Tuesday! You ready for a hotfix! Let's get to it!
But first, let's get to the missing features on the last patch notes that are already in the game:
New character creation menu:
We have revamped the UI and the system for the character creation. it is much more pleasant looking and streamlined compared to before.

Empty/full backpacks.
A nifty new feature we introduced is the visual representation of how full your backpack is. If it is completely empty it will sort of collapse on itself since there are no items to extend the fabric, but the more items you have in it the more it will expand. This effect will show how full the backpack is but not heavy.
To see how heavy the backpack is your character will bend forward to compensate the weight. Obviously the STR attribute also comes in play here and it depends on far your character will or will not lean.

All wells on the island work now on a new system.
Proximity replenishment is the new system that works on every well that is out in the world. Every well has a certain range, in which you walk in and then there is a chance that the well will have water and its a random amount how much water it will be.
If you leave the range of the well, there is a timeout cooldown until you can re-enter its range and then the game checks again if there is any water in it and how much. If you enter the range before the cooldown ends, the timer resets and the well will show its last known amount. If you wait out the cooldown and then re-enter, the dice is rolled again to see if there is water in the well.

New forest textures
We have completely revamped and refreshed the look of forests in game, not only do they look better they should also be easier on your hardware. Well let the pictures tell the tale.

Water intake
Ok so not a forgotten feature but there seems to be a lot of confusion with this one. So let's get down to it:

But first, let's get to the missing features on the last patch notes that are already in the game:
New character creation menu:
We have revamped the UI and the system for the character creation. it is much more pleasant looking and streamlined compared to before.

- You can see it is a lot less confusing here as you can distribute your attribute points more easily with just the bars. We have also reduced the size you are able to enlarge your special parts with due to the new feature. From now on, the longer you stay alive on the island the bigger the special part. Don't worry tho, owners of the supporter pack #1 you still get your extra inches. So now when you see a man on the island with the big D he truly does have big D energy and better to not mess with him.

- We did the same with the skill points section as well.
Empty/full backpacks.
A nifty new feature we introduced is the visual representation of how full your backpack is. If it is completely empty it will sort of collapse on itself since there are no items to extend the fabric, but the more items you have in it the more it will expand. This effect will show how full the backpack is but not heavy.
To see how heavy the backpack is your character will bend forward to compensate the weight. Obviously the STR attribute also comes in play here and it depends on far your character will or will not lean.

All wells on the island work now on a new system.
Proximity replenishment is the new system that works on every well that is out in the world. Every well has a certain range, in which you walk in and then there is a chance that the well will have water and its a random amount how much water it will be.
If you leave the range of the well, there is a timeout cooldown until you can re-enter its range and then the game checks again if there is any water in it and how much. If you enter the range before the cooldown ends, the timer resets and the well will show its last known amount. If you wait out the cooldown and then re-enter, the dice is rolled again to see if there is water in the well.

New forest textures
We have completely revamped and refreshed the look of forests in game, not only do they look better they should also be easier on your hardware. Well let the pictures tell the tale.

Water intake
Ok so not a forgotten feature but there seems to be a lot of confusion with this one. So let's get down to it:
- There is water absorption system in the game, or better to say all of the minerals and nutrients. Your characters body has a limit on how much it can absorb over time, anything excess it will quickly expel. So be careful how much water you intake at once. So if you drink 2L of water at once but can only absorb 400ml anything over 400ml you will quickly have to piss out the excess. So it is better to to take a breather drink 0.5L and once that is absorbed drink some more and move. Or store the extra in the bottle. Also keep in mind that the higher your CON the less your body will use less water so the reserve will last longer.

- Fixed the bug where destroying a vehicle while someone is entering/exiting it would bug the player out.
- Fixed the bug where you could not load arrows from vicinity into bows if there was no inventory space.
- Fixed the bug where it was possible to build double doors on cabins.
- Fixed the bug where you would get ridiculous amount of experience from repairing vehicles.
- Fixed the bug where sentries would push motorcycles below the map.
- Fixed the bug where you could move sentries with vehicles.
- Fixed the bug where squad member limit would sometimes calculate incorrectly.
- Fixed the issues with weapons scopes when aiming from vehicles.
- Fixed the bug where Attribute circular bars would randomly switch colors.
- Fixed the bug where M16 magazine were not visible in vicinity.
- Fixed the bug where camera would sometimes bug out on vehicles.
- Fixed the bug where safe zones were not functional.
- Fixed the bug where dirtbike audio would sometimes hang.
- Fixed the bug where some weapons could not take appropriate attachments.
- Fixed the bug where traps would not trigger on failed defuse attempt.
- Fixed the bug where some weapons would have no recoil.
- Fixed the bug where it was fine to drink salt water.
- Fixed the bug where hazelnuts were repulsive to eat.
- Fixed the bug where smoked goose meat was considered raw.
- Fixed the bug where skewers with sausages were not eatable.
- Fixed the bug where white flour was not repulsive to eat raw.
- Fixed the nutritional values of insects.
- Fixed the sounds on eating insects.
- Fixed the bug where arrows with hard tips would break after one shot.
- Fixed the bug where bullets would sometimes flicker in revolvers.
- Fixed the bug where you could not drink from some office water dispensers.
- Fixed the bug where you could sometimes jump through window fortifications.
- Fixed the issue where holding a revolver in relaxed state would sometimes bug out.
- Fixed the bug where sentries would deal damage even if the server setting is set to 0.
- Fixed the bug where it was possible to wash clothes on empty wells.
- Fixed the bug where you could not fill improvised water container.
- Fixed the bug where reload, check ammo, unload ammo etc. was not possible while prone.
- Fixed the bug where suicide zombies would sometimes not drop C4 materials.
- Fixed the bug where prisoners would get soft locked when trying to chop items from prone position.

- If you hold crossbow, default interaction with crossbow bolt is now "nock".
- Visual effects for conditions will now fade in and out more smoothly.
- You are no longer able to jump if your stamina dropped to zero.
- Added bomb defusal minigame mouse sensitivity setting in options.
- Puppets can now inflict C2 wounds if they hit same location multiple times.
- Treatment UI will now gray out when in process of treating wounds.
- Reduced the explosive damage on BB elements.
- Modified explosive arrow damage range.

- Added a new server setting:
This setting will separate the actual Metabolism simulation time from the world time. So in cases of servers that run faster day and night cycles the Metabolism simulation can now be set to follow the world time or run slower. Default value is 3.84.
- Kill logs now record everything properly.
- Admin drones will now see motorbike owners when hovering over them.
- OpenInventory on vehicles with drones should now work all over the vehicle