about 3 years
ago -
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Happy Monday! Road to 0.7 continues on, let's see the progress at this pitstop. Check it out!

That's all form us for now folks, talk to yall soon. Real soon.

- Fixing the development crashes.
- Created support for new materials.
- Resolving bugs related to rain and new outposts.
- Implemented the new animations to the trader NPC faces.
- Tweaking the trader pricing system.
- Investigating the trader loading issues.
- Optimization of vehicle physics replication system (will result in less vehicle rubberbanding).
- Creating new replication system.
- Creating the new server prices caching system.
- Implemented new UI for parachutes.
- Created the buy panel UI.
- Further work on the sell panel UI.
- Implemented new validation system on character creation,
- Fixing bugs related to the killbox.
- Working on a new save state system when relogging into vehicles after sever crash.
- Optimization of the master server.
- Testing out the new substeping changes.

- Blending the roads with terrain.
- Created new particles for 2 wheeled vehicles.
- Fixing the issues with the foliage.
- Reworked the improvised rope.
- Retexturing boxes.
- Further work on ruined houses.
- Further work on sea drywalls.
- Layering shaders.
- Retexturing houses.
- Fixing the leftover bugs from the merge.
- Implementing photo scanned assets.
- Further work on the furniture optimizations.

- Implemented the metahuman heads into the UE engine.
- Tweaking the vendor animations.
- Further work on the new car.
- Concept art for the new environment.
- Reworking wooden sticks models.
- Reworking the improvised hammer model.
- tweaked the UV map for blood.
- Polishing the textures for the new bike model.
- Working on the new parachute model.
- Finished the tuxedo suits.

- Working on the parachute sounds.

- Catching and banning cheaters.
- Reporting feedback from the community.
- Reporting the bugs.
- Reporting the 0.7 build bugs and issues.
- Working on 2 mystery events.

That's all form us for now folks, talk to yall soon. Real soon.