almost 3 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
almost 3 years ago - Beda - Direct link
Hey everyone this is a short post for private server owners to further explain how to set their own settings on traders and economy.
So when you open up the EconomyOverride.josn file you will find this text in it:

"enable-economy" : "1",
"economy-reset-time-hours" : "-1.0",
"prices-randomization-time-hours" : "-1.0",
"fully-restock-tradeable-hours" : "2.0",
"trader-funds-change-rate-per-hour-multiplier" : "1.0",
"traders-unlimited-funds" : "0",
"limited-tradeables" :
{"vehicle-group" : "VehicleSpawnGroup.PickupTruck", "vehicle-group-max-amount" : "14"},
{"vehicle-group" : "VehicleSpawnGroup.Quad", "vehicle-group-max-amount" : "8"},
{"vehicle-group" : "VehicleSpawnGroup.SUV", "vehicle-group-max-amount" : "14"},
{"vehicle-group" : "VehicleSpawnGroup.Tractor", "vehicle-group-max-amount" : "9"},
{"vehicle-group" : "VehicleSpawnGroup.Wheelbarrow", "vehicle-group-max-amount" : "10"},
{"vehicle-group" : "VehicleSpawnGroup.Motorboat", "vehicle-group-max-amount" : "10"},
{"vehicle-group" : "VehicleSpawnGroup.SUP", "vehicle-group-max-amount" : "5"},
{"vehicle-group" : "VehicleSpawnGroup.Bicycle", "vehicle-group-max-amount" : "10"},
{"vehicle-group" : "VehicleSpawnGroup.Dirtbike", "vehicle-group-max-amount" : "5"},
{"vehicle-group" : "VehicleSpawnGroup.CruiserBike", "vehicle-group-max-amount" : "5"},
{"vehicle-group" : "VehicleSpawnGroup.Sportbike", "vehicle-group-max-amount" : "5"}
"traders" :
{"tradeable-code" : "BP_Frag_Grenade", "base-purchase-price" : "-1", "base-sell-price" : "-1", "delta-price" : "-1.0", "can-be-purchased" : "default"},
{"tradeable-code" : "BP_Weapon_AK47", "base-purchase-price" : "-1", "base-sell-price" : "-1", "delta-price" : "-1.0", "can-be-purchased" : "default"}

So let's get to it section by section:
  • "enable-economy" : "1", // 0 to completely disable economy and disable trader spawning, 1 (default) to enable.
  • "economy-reset-time-hours" : "-1.0", // how many hours it takes to reset trader funds to 0 and stocked goods to their set default value.(if the value is less than 0 it never resets, -1.0 is the default value.)
  • "prices-randomization-time-hours" : "-1.0", // how many hours it takes to randomize prices (if the value is less than 0, it never randomizes, defaults to -1.0)
  • "fully-restock-tradeable-hours" : "2.0", // how many hours it takes to fully restock tradeable amount in store (if the value is less than 0, it never restocks, defaults to 2.0)
  • "trader-funds-change-rate-per-hour-multiplier" : "1.0", // how fast traders refill their available funds (defaults to 1.0)
  • "traders-unlimited-funds" : "0", // default 0, if set to 1 trader funds will never deplete when players sell tradeables to them.
  • "limited-vehicles": // limits how many vehicles total can be present in the world for purchase. Purchasable vehicles are counted differently to spawned vehicles.
  • traders section lets you set and limit what items can be bought and for how much for each trader in each outpost. It goes by formula

    {"tradeable-code" : "Itemspawnname", "base-purchase-price" : "-1", "base-sell-price" : "-1", "delta-price" : "-1.0", "can-be-purchased" : "default"},

    "tradeable-code" : "Itemspawnname", // under spawn name you put the item code like BP_Frag_Grenade for an axeample.

    "base-purchase-price" : "-1", // you set the base purchase price of the item, -1 will set the value to default price.

    "base-sell-price" : "-1", // you set the base sell price of the item, -1 will set the value to default price.

    "delta-price" : "-1.0", // base price multiplier that determines the increase/decrease of the price displayed in store, defaults to -1 which means delta is determined by random chance. If the edited value is 0 or more, that delta will never change, even after price randomization.

    "can-be-purchased" : "default" // Sets if the item can or cannot be purchased at the trader, "default" gives it vanilla availability, "true" is enabled and "false" is disabled.