about 1 year ago - Beda - Direct link
Hello everyone, hope you are having a good start of the week! No dev update this week but we do have a small hotfix for you and a small community update lined up! So check it out!

  • Fixed the issue where the game could crash randomly.
  • Fixed the issue where Cartridge trap recipe was using BMG ammo incorrectly.
  • Fixed the issue where the PU scope was not available at trader NPCs.
  • Fixed the issue where you could not sell the improvised flamethrower at trader NPCs.
  • Fixed the issue where cooking would do damage to portable stoves.
  • Fixed the issue where SCAR DMR Weapon parts could not be picked up from trader depot.
  • Fixed the issue with facial hair morphs.
  • Fixed the issue where water in underwater caves was not swimmable.
  • Fixed the issue where squad invite timer could sometimes prevent players from joining squads if not accepted in time.
  • Fixed the issue where bought Rager vehicles spawned with no locks on them.
  • Fixed the issue where car jacks would disappear in certain situations.

  • Removed the obsolete server settings.
  • Increased puppet spawn distance.

Community update
Now for the community update. We are glad so many of you are enjoying the 0.95 and we want to thank you for leaving your feedback for us. We went through it over the weekend and there was so much of it we decided to address the main things this way.

We are looking into puppet spawning directly to players in a horde situations. We can confirm this is not intended and did not happen during our testing. So any and all details you can send us would be appreciated and a tweak will come soon.

And good news for the private server owners and Single player enthusiasts. We will be adding the settings you requested that will let you tweak the hordes a bit more so stay tuned.

As for the server settings already added, you asked for a better explanation of how it works and some concrete numbers. We are working on a better document to provide to you guys on base values and how it works. There is a lot of data to go through though but you asked for it. ETA for the document will be tomorrow on the 19th of December. Apologies we could not provide it sooner and we promise to give out proper punishment to people responsible. Like eating raw frog legs or something, still thinking about it.