over 2 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
over 2 years ago - Beda - Direct link
Happy Thursday! No Dev update this week needed as actions speak louder than words. So here is another hotfix!.

  • Fixed the issue where attempting to operate pre-spawned boat would cause a crash.
  • Fixed the bug where it was possible to place garden blueprints on invalid locations.
  • Fixed the bug where passengers could interact with vehicle lights.
  • Fixed the bug where passengers would gain driving XP.
  • Fixed the issue where destroying vehicles would sometimes cause a crash.
  • Fixed the issue where gaining FP when driving would sometimes cause a crash.
  • Fixed the issue where base elements would sometimes cause a crash on server startup.
  • Fixed the issue where servers would sometimes get stuck on startup and crash shortly afterwards.
  • Possible fix for cars randomly disappearing or floating up in the air.
  • Fixed the issues where brake lights would activate when they shouldn't.
  • Fixed the issue where items would prevent vehicle doors from opening.
  • Fixed the issue where passengers in wheelbarrows did not have proper collision.
  • Fixed the bug where stamina was not drained when pushing a car.
  • Fixed the bug where CON and STR gain was disabled when using wheelbarrows and boats.
  • Fixed the bug where prisoners would run in place after using a saw.
  • Fixed the bug where STR attribute would increase when running or crouching in place.
  • Fixed the bug where vehicles horn would work even if battery is empty.
  • Fixed the bug where headshots would not give FP.
  • Fixed the bug where wheelbarrows were the new TEC01 space program.
  • Fixed the bug where item radiation state would reset when placed inside containers.
  • Fixed the bug where friendly vehicles could still activate mines.
  • Fixed the issue where relogging would bug the garden out so only the central plot would be interactable.
  • Fixed the issue where WolfsWagen can be pushed while limping with no issues.
  • Fixed the issue where car wheels would clip through the vehicle in some cases.
  • Fixed the issue where holding F to see interactions on a vehicle that is on a car jack would cause a crash.
  • Fixed the bug where lockpicking interaction would show as available when it shouldn't

  • Removed the interaction option on vehicles when upside down.
  • New car now has a horn,
  • Balanced the price of farming items.
  • Haircut service will no longer be free.
  • Purchasing tradeables will no longer be limited to 5 at a time.
  • Server setting vehicle purchase limit will now be properly applied.
  • Barbed spike trap will no longer be visible in building menu if mines are disabled in server settings.
  • Added CON and STR gained when pushing a car.
  • Added smoke effects on vehicles and engines with low health.
  • Purchased WolfsWagen will no longer spawn with a back bumper armor.
  • Added bank transactions logging.
  • You can now remove parts from destroyed vehicles (with proper tools and skills).
  • Players are no longer imune to melee damage when operating vehicles.
  • One time reduction of fame points to 1000 for all players that got over 10k FP due to a bug.
  • You can no longer keep pushing vehicles.
  • Increased overall audio loudness.
  • Car jack is nor repairable with a toolbox.
  • Adjusted Car mechanic prices.
  • Adjusted farming items and skill descriptions.

  • Slightly redesigned functional vehicle spawning criteria. Server setting VehicleType.Max determines the total amount of spawned vehicles of that type. VehicleType.MaxFunctional determines the amount of spawned functional vehicles (regardless wether they were spawned naturally or by purchase). VehicleType.MinPurchased determines at least how many vehicles out of MaxFunctional need to be purchased. Values will be clamped so this condition is met: VehicleType.Max >= VehicleType.MaxFunctional >= VehicleType.MinPurchased.