over 2 years
ago -
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Hey hey people, another Monday so you know it's Dev update time.

- Reviewing the code.
- Working on the modular BB proof of concept.
- Finishing up the modular vehicle model for testing.
- Working on the new vehicles damage model.
- Working on the vehicle attachment system.
- Resolving issues with experience gain.
- Tweaking some door related systems.
- Reworking the character creation backend system.
- Refactoring the character appearance code.
- Bugfixing.
- Resolving issues with the network application graph.
- Resolving issues with the network performance.
- Working on the ATM UI.
- reworking the Character criminal record UI so it's not dependent on UE blueprints.

- Opening up some of the apartments in Samobor city.
- Unwrapping and texturing the Nuclear powerplant buildings.
- Creating the ruined parts of the reactor building.
- Creating the diesel generator building.
- Finishing the repair and construction assets.
- Placing down spawners on the new POI.
- Working on the Ferris wheel.
- Finished the nitrogen oxygen processing plant.
- reworking the office containers.
- Working on the diesel generator room.
- Working on the powerplant admin building.
- Bugfixing.

- Working on the barber NPC head.
- Working on the modular vehicles animations.
- Working on the SKS model.
- Redesigning the criminal record panel.
- Working on new concept art.
- Mapping out the new quad model.
- Working on the farming animations.
- Bugfixing.
- Creating barber NPC clothing.
- Working on pesticide items.
- Finishing up farming plant meshes,
- Working on the barber NPC animations.
- Working on the SCAR-H model.

- Resolving the issues with voice chat.
- Resolving the issues with puppet sounds.
- Working on new weapon sounds.

- Testing upcoming features.
- Community feedback.
- Catching and banning cheaters.
- Steam bug reports and general discussion.
- Working on the International program 2nd wave.
- Bug reporting.

- Working on the radiation effects design document.
- Working on the EOD suit design document.