about 2 years
ago -
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Another start of the week, another Dev update. Read up on what the team has been up to.

- Implementing the dirtbike to the modular vehicles system.
- Started to implement cooking rework.
- Code review.
- Preparing the groundwork for cooking rework UI.
- Optimizing the UI code.
- Bugfixing.
- Working on the hunting rework.
- Working on flag expansion kit.
- Resolving issues with the new gas station system.
- Working on the BCU lock system.
- Working on the dial lock.
- DB update script.
- Working on new explosives.
- Working on the hand abrasions system.
- Refactoring metabolism code.

- Samobor optimizations.
- Setting down roads for the new city POI.
- Preparing the level location for the radar building.
- Working on procedural shops and garage buildings.
- Texturing the culture center building.
- Working on the city hall exterior.
- Working on the hospital building.
- Working on the movie theater building.
- Re texturing supermarkets.
- Working on playground assets.
- Bugfixing.

- Finished the new sentry rigging.
- Working on the RPG animations.
- Working on new clothing items.
- New concept art.
- Working on new UI design.
- Finished the BCU lock model.
- Finished the low poly for the new LMG.
- Created the new dirt bike skeletal mesh.
- Researching the procedural damage texturing for vehicles.
- Working on new rifle animations.
- Added new low poly parts for the quad bike.
- Working on single shot launcher animations.
- Finished the new handgun animations.
- Started with the cooking animations.

- Working on new weapon sounds.
- Working on new explosive sounds.

- Hunting and banning cheaters.
- Ban appeals.
- Steam general discussion and bug reports.
- Performance benchmarking and optimization testing.
- Testing of upcoming features.
- Various bug reports.

- Working on new feature design documents.