Hello everyone and welcome aboard another hotfix. We also have an important announcement for you as well so pay close attention!

Big news on the International front. Not only have the people in the translators section working hard nad already delivered on in game translations, we are now launching the Community ambassadors section. You already know on our steam forums we have multi lingual section where you can write in your own native language now we have people capable to rely that information to us. They will have the mod tags so you know they are legit. but it will not only be available on Steam forums but on our official discord.
New international channels have been created where you can communicate with each other and the ambassadors. You are not in the official discord yet? What are you waiting for, you can join in
- Fixed the bug where sometimes electric doors in the Killbox would be open right from the start of the game.
- Fixed the bug where photomode would prevent players from treating wounds.
- Fixed the bug where check firing mode would show a white square.
- Fixed the bug where sometimes item in prisoners hands was visible even though the prisoner is not.
- Fixed the bug where there was no tooltip for the INT stat.
- Fixed the bug where announcement messages would not show up properly.
- Fixed the bug where custom zone base building setting not working properly.
- Fixed the bug where it was possible to claim kills more than once.
- Fixed the bug where you could not wash rags and rag strips.
- Fixed the bug where some items would not show up in inventory UI when taken in hands.
- Fixed the bug where third person cam in vehicles would randomly twitch.
- Fixed the bug where server list would sometimes not refresh properly.

- Removed the environment temperature indicator from the ICU monitor as it was too confusing, you can still see the temperature in the STATS panel.
- Bicycles are now repairable with toolbox.
- Decreased AI perception loudness of bicycles.
- Explosion damage now works on doors properly.
- Removed the extra baseball bat in deathmatch brawl.
- Popcorn can now be crafted with an empty pot.
- Improvised fishing rod will now only be craftable with long wooden sticks.
- Tweaked vehicles cameras.
- Barbed spike trap no longer damages player while driving a vehicle.