about 2 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
about 2 years ago - Beda - Direct link
The already obligatory hotfix for the latest patch is here. Check it out!

  • Fixed the issue where hand abrasions started at C2 level instead of C1.
  • Fixed the issue where the quiver would render on the back when player is mounted on vehicle.
  • Fixed the bug where abrasions would not be healed when using Phoenix tears.
  • Fixed the issue that caused a server crash relating drones.

  • Hand abrasion gain time slowed down 10x for rowing boats/ pushing wheelbarrows.
  • Hand abrasions gain disabled for crafting/uncrafting and search actions.
  • Hand abrasion gain now takes into account the surface you are crawling on.