[2022] SCUM - Development update #9
about 3 years ago -
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A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page
about 3 years ago -
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Hello everyone another Monday is here. Check out this weeks Development update.
Fixing the issue with puppets spawning in outposts.
Fixing the issues with ladders.
Fixing some of the issues with the ragdoll.
Fixing exploitation bugs.
Reworking the rain rebasing system.
Fixing the issues with flickering on the rivers.
Implementing the pricing system.
Bugfixing the trader issues.
Fixing the Unreal substepping crash.
Further work on the replication system for vehicles. (minimizing desync)
Rebinding instrument controls.
Fixing the sell panel.
Implemented multiple items selling capability.
Implemented the ability to sell vehicles.
Further work on the system that will allow players to remain in vehicles in case of server crash.
Re factoring the code for the master server.
General bugfixing.
Placing the remaining traders.
Fixing the water shaders.
Further work on walls and floors retextureing.
Retexturing houses.
Further work on reworking furniture.
Further work on ruined stoned houses.
Retexturing continental houses.
Working on trader models.
Working on facial animations for traders.
Created trader clothing.
Created the topology for the new car model.
Reworked the improvised hammers.
Finished the GL model.
Working on the new handgun model.
Reworking the Block model.
Finishing the new bike model.
Started working on a new van vehicle model.
Finishing touches on new women clothing.
Finishing touches on the new parachute model.
Working on the trader voice lines.
Working on improvements to the ingame voice chat.
Working on the parachute sounds.
Catching and banning cheaters.
Reporting feedback from the community.
Reporting the bugs.
Reporting the 0.7 build bugs and issues.
Working on 2 mystery events.
Testing the ingame economy.
Replaced the old money with new functional money.
Tweaking the influence of wind on parachutes.
Fixing the tooltips.
Tweaking the bullet count on some stacks.
Created the new controls for instruments.
That's all from us for now folks, talk to yall soon. Real soon.
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