Hello all, happy Wednesday! Break your middle of the week with an update! New damage system, a step forward in the modular vehicles department, and more. Check it out!

We teased it a bit and it's here. In addition to the metabolism system and another thing you will need to be careful of. You can now get burn damage. So do not expect you can pull stuff like this anymore!

Depending on the heat source temperature and the length of your exposure to it, you will get burn wounds accordingly. These wounds can also spread quickly so if you are not careful, you are in deep trouble.

So as with other types of wounds, there are different types of severity and symptoms you will experience if not treated properly.
- C1 (First-degree burns) - Reduced DEX stat.
- C2 (Second-degree burns) - Reduced DEX stat, weakness.
- C3 (Third-degree burns) - Reduced DEX stat, weakness, dizziness.
But don't worry friends, we would not give you another thing you have to worry about without the means to treat it.

Introducing burn gel. There are 2: one lootable and one craftable. When you have a burn injury make sure to apply the gel so your wounds get into stabilization quicker.
Oh also since we added burn injuries now, we can activate one of the weapons on the new sentry, good luck!

A huge leap forward on the modular vehicles front. The modular vehicle damage is now complete. Yep, it is finally here and it is huge news. Needless to say that you can no longer drive your car off the cliff and it would be fine, but the vehicles now have more removable parts since more of them can now take individual damage.

You can now strip your vehicles bare and still drive them around if you want that cool breeze in your hair or want to have that apocalyptical feel to your vehicle. Just keep in mind no door no lock.
So be careful with your car right now and keep an eye out for extra parts. Another huge thing that this update brings, is one step closer to bringing all the old vehicles back. But more on that in the future.
Oh and yes you can yet again run over puppets or other players, rejoice! 
So we added a couple of new items as well. Here is what you can find, or better to say craft.
Glass shiv

Yep, it is a prison island after all. And every good prison needs a couple of shiv options. Got some extra glass lying around and no knife options? Well, now you do.
Medium battery charger

Supposed to release on the previous patch but unfortunately was not ready then. But it is now, so here you go, you have another battery charger available for crafting.

- Fixed the issue where battery chargers had no weight.
- Fixed the issue where on some items wrong icons would show.
- Fixed the issue where some cargo drops produced the wrong items.
- Fixed several issues regarding vehicle battery drain.
- Fixed the issue where on private servers that adjusted Time of Day and weather settings, the settings would not apply correctly.
- Fixed the issue where some crafting recipes would not apply ingredients correctly.
- Fixed the issue where it was not possible to sell battery chargers.
- Fixed the issue where it was not possible to fill containers that were spawned empty.
- Fixed the issue where rain collectors would automatically spill when taken into hands.
- Fixed the issue where an option to remove BCU lock would show up even though BCU lock was not there.
- Fixed the issue where F interaction panel would sometimes bug out.
- Fixed the issue where item wetness rate would not update properly when the item is under BB blueprint.
- Fixed wrong captions and descriptions on some items.
- Fixed the issue where tobacco plants would not grow properly.
- Fixed the issue where the Vampyr scope would not turn on properly when aiming too fast after turning it on.
- Fixed the issue where filling up fortification blueprints would not provide XP.
- Fixed the issue where players looking directly at blueprints would not get a cursor when opening TAB menu.
- Fixed the issue where lighting a rolled cigarette would apply wrong texture and icon.
- Fixed the issue where vehicle lights would stay on when the car battery is removed.
- Fixed the issue where gas lantern could not be filled with gasoline.
- Fixed client crash related to player exhaustion.
- Fixed the issue where some resources can be filled when players are outside of range.
- Fixed the issue where you could not fill some containers with water from wells or creeks.
- Fixed the crash issue when connected BCU lock would decay.
- Fixed issues with vehicle headlights not turning off/on when they should and headlights not draining car battery.

- Adjusted expiration rates for some ingredients.
- Sentries will now drop killbox cards.
- Killbox cards can now be looted from cargo drops.
- Server admins can now add killbox cards to trader shops.
- Medical lockers now guarantee at least 1 item.
- Medical lockers now have antibiotics in their spawn pool.
- In game time will now have a chat notification as well for the player checking the watch.
- CRAP ammo can now damage sentries.
- Disabled the ability for players to open chat box when in minigame UI.
- Wooden crossbow bolts will no longer spawn in the world.
- You can no longer use NVG goggles with scopes.
- Added a shortcut for turning on Vampyr scope, default is CTRL+N.
- You can no longer add holstered weapons (weapons on back) to quick access.
- Improved startup performance of dedicated servers with large number of items.
- Adjusted the loudness of NVG activation.
- Lock protection (zappers) now require batteries.
- Adjusted the needed skill for crafting battery chargers.
- Buying vehicle attachments on mechanic car lifts now has the same fame point limitation as buying them manually.
- Removed Samobor fog during day time.