about 1 year
ago -
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Hey everyone hope you are all good! Let's break the middle of the week with a bit of hotfix. Check it out!

- Fixed the issue where the camera would be tilted after exiting vehicle in some cases.
- Fixed the issue where drinking water would sometimes cause a server crash.
- Fixed the issue where player would remain stuck in falling animation after airplane crash.
- Fixed some icon issues.
- Fixed the issue where you would gain Demo skill XP for burying and unburying mines.
- Fixed the issue where opening vehicle doors would kill the player in some situations.
- Tweaked vehicle skin pattern textures.
- Fixed the issue where puppets opening doors would sometimes crash the game in SP.
- Fixed the issue where opening containers with the F interaction would not highlight which container was opened.
- Fixed the issue where in some cases consuming food would cause a server crash.
- Fixed the issue where flag owner would not show up in logs if the flag was destroyed by an admin drone.
- Fixed the issue where eating or drinking items from containers would freeze up player characters.
- Potential fix for client crash related to opening containers in vicinity.
- Fixed wrong grip placements on backpacks.

- You can now place barbed wire and wooden barricade BB elements on other BB elements.
- Increased decay time for containers built under water. (such as chests)
- All explosives that can be placed on BB elements can now cause a chain explosion detonating it all at the same time.
- Decreased the time it takes admin drones to destroy chests with F interaction.
- Puppets no longer spawn in with initial aggression towards player. (Hordes still spawn aggressive) Server setting still overrides this.
- Increased jump noise accumulation in abandoned bunkers.
- Decreased metal pipe spawn rate in Junkyard.

- Added a new setting scum.SpawnEncountersInThreatZonesIgnoringBaseBuilding=0 which allows puppets to continue to spawn in POIs even though BB is allowed and built there. Puppets still won't spawn in LTZ built bases.