about 1 year ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
about 1 year ago - Beda - Direct link
Hello everyone, hope you are all good! We have a call to action for you all or better to say collecting a centralized feedback.

As some of you paying a close attention to our development process are aware, we are currently in the process of working on our long awaited inventory rework. There is a lot to be done and we want to make sure that we have it all nice and neat for when it releases. So our question to you, our dear Scummunity, is what new things or changes would you like to see once the inventory rework drops. Go nuts with the suggestions from the small things to the big requests, all will be taken into consideration.

Do please keep it respectful, concise and constructive.

Thank you all and till next time.

SCUM Team.