12 months
ago -
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Hey hey everyone. Yet another start of the week and with a proper Dev update this time as well! Check out what the crew has been up to!

- Optimizations.
- Working on movement rework.
- Working on NPC AI behavior.
- Bugfixing.
- Adjusting weapons for NPCs.
- Working on dropship movement and deployment system.
- Code review.
- Resolving issues on the dirtbike.
- Tweaking raft parameters.
- Working on quest system.

- Reworking some POIs.
- General optimizations.
- Shader optimizations.
- Memory optimization.
- Bugfixing.

- Reworking foliage.
- Working on SKS animations.
- Working on the new trailer.
- Working on new concept art.
- Working on modular sportbike.
- Working on modular quad.
- Work on new quest items.
- Working on NPC character models.
- Working on dropship model.
- Cleaning up source files.
- Bugfixing.
- Working on quest animations.

- Bugfixing.

- Responding to player inquiries.
- Player insights surveys
- Hunting and banning cheaters
- Steam general discussion and bug reports
- Testing of upcoming features
- Various bug reports

- Working on new GDDs.
- Working on quest design.