almost 3 years
ago -
Direct link
There ain't no rest for the wicked, and so we are dropping the hotfix to resolve the biggest issues you guys found! Also new servers, because you asked nicely.

We have also added new Hardcore and PvE servers for other regions. The first ones we implemented were a huge hit and you asked for more so we are here to deliver!

- Potential fix for startup crashes that sometimes occur.
- Fixed the bug where you were not able to enter tractor passenger seats.
- Fixed the bug where vehicle would sometimes fall through the floor on relog.
- Fixed the bug where trader funds would not correctly fill up in Singleplayer.
- Potential fix for connection time out error.

- Tweaked some item prices.
We have also added new Hardcore and PvE servers for other regions. The first ones we implemented were a huge hit and you asked for more so we are here to deliver!
- - SCUM Official Server Hardcore #01 - US East
- - SCUM Official Server Hardcore #01 -EU West
- - SCUM Official Server PvE #01 - US Central
- - SCUM Official Server Hardcore #01 - Australia
- - SCUM Official Server Hardcore #01 - Russia
- - SCUM Official Server Hardcore #01 - Brazil
- - SCUM Official Server Hardcore #01 - Singapore
- - SCUM Official Server PvE #01 - Australia
- - SCUM Official Server Hardcore #01 - Canada
- - SCUM Official Server Hardcore #01 - South Africa