[2022] SCUM - Development update #14
almost 3 years ago -
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A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page
almost 3 years ago -
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Monday is here and so is the Development update, on time this time!
Resolving the issues with ammunition.
Further backend work on modular vehicles.
Researching vehicle network issues.
Research on the replication graph.
Researching the prerequisites for the inventory rework.
Adjusting the engine devkit fix some graphical environmental issues.
Further network testing.
Testing the new physics plugins.
Fixing up the admin commands.
Resolving some economy issues.
Optimization of the pricing cache system.
Optimizing the killbox mechanics.
Transferring the master server to better hardware.
Upgrading the internal task management system.
Further optimizing outposts.
Implementing virtual textures.
Finished another version of ruined houses.
Fixup of the distant cleanup redirectory.
Fixing the level bugs.
Reworking the gas stations.
Optimizing the traders.
Creating new set of buildings for Samobor city.
Optimizing the mesh assets.
Profiling the outpost.
Profiling garbage collection system.
Building folder fixup.
Working on furniture and props.
Working on the new tattoos.
Rigging the VHS rifle.
Rigging the Grenade Launcher.
Started with the VHS animations.
Finished low poly interior of the new car.
Started mapping the new car.
Further work on the Wild hunters caves concept art.
Working on the doctor facial animations.
Finished the new variation of the Hunter rifle model.
Working on new bolt action rifle.
Working on the improvised grenade launcher model.
Working on the seaplane skeleton mesh.
Reworking shaders for weapon decay.
Revamping the stabproof vests.
Finished the fisherman facial animations.
Working on the animations of the new motorbike variation.
Resolving sound issues.
Optimizing the audio library.
Working on special masks to separate water sounds.
Resolving the issues with whitelisting.
Catching and banning cheaters.
Reporting feedback from the community.
Reporting the bugs.
Adjusted repair kits.
Creating design documents for further regular updates.
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