[2022] SCUM - Development update #32
over 2 years ago -
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A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page
over 2 years ago -
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Just another manic monday, but at least you have a new development update to look forward to!
Check out what our team has been doing this past week
Halloween content implementation
Barber implementation and polishing
Additional work on modular vehicles
Finishing touches on the ATM interface
Implementation of halloween gestures
Final preparations for permadeath testing
Creation and implementation of new admin commands
Additional work on the farming system
Distance rendering optimizations
Additional work on basebuilding models
Further Samobor optimizations
Creation and implementation of new assets for the barbershop
Creation and implementation of new assets for the nuclear plant POI
Optimization and polishing of the nuclear plant POI
Additional work for the halloween location
Finishing touches on the barber
Farming animations
Barber animations polishing
Creation and implementation of halloween gestures
Modular vehicles animations
Additional work on the modular base building UI
Creation and implementation of farming assets
Creation and implementation of new clothing items
Basebuilding walls concept art
Finishing touches on the new weapon - SCAR
Further investigation and resolving of puppet related SFX bugs
Creation and implementation of halloween related SFX
Recording and implementation of the barber's voice lines
Volume rebalancing of various game SFX
Polishing and implementation of additional reverb SFX
Hunting and banning cheaters
Ban appeals
Steam general discussion and bug reports
Halloween location extensive testing
Additional testing of halloween-related mechanics
Performance benchmarking and optimization testing
Testing of upcoming features
Various bug reports
Recording placeholder voice lines and facial animations for the barber
Revising applications for the International program
Creation and revision of the upcoming radiation effect document
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