about 1 year ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
about 1 year ago - Beda - Direct link
Hey hey everyone. Guess what? Yep it is time for another hotfix! A bit rebalancing, with a dash of fixes, a nice light meal on a Tuesday afternoon. [/hr]

  • Fixed the issue where it was still possible to build on lighthouse and windmill POIs.
  • Fixed the issue where joining an event would spam audio to everyone on the server.
  • Fixed the issue where it was possible to ram players through walls.
  • Fixed the issue where filling blueprints with multiple materials would not work.
  • Fixed the issue where puppets could not open certain doors in abandoned bunkers.
  • Fixed the issue where vehicle inventory would close when approaching a locked chest.
  • Fixed the issue where re-attaching vehicle parts would bug out the modular system.
  • Fixed the issue where it was not possible to drop items on into vicinity from examine containers.

  • Rebalanced loot table preventing the recent overabundance of certain items.
  • Players can no longer punch while interaction menu is open.