over 2 years
ago -
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Just because it's summertime and the livin' is easy, doesn't mean
we're not busy. Here's a brand new development update for you.

we're not busy. Here's a brand new development update for you.

- Foreign substances implementation
- Texture baking
- Further work on farming
- Further work on modular vehicles
- Prisoner appearance
- Physics testing and implementation
- VFX related to foreign substance implementation
- Bug fixing

- Further work on the upcoming nuclear powerplant POI
- Assets for the nuclear powerplant POI
- Texture creation and implementation for buildings in the nuclear powerplant POI
- Further work on airfields
- Samobor optimizations
- Bug fixing

- Female character models
- Hairstyles for female characters
- Nuclear powerplant POI artwork
- Female character facial expressions
- Additional correcting of female characters animations
- Clothes for female characters

- Wwise upgrade
- Creation and implementation of SFX related to foreign substances

- Looking into the false ban issues with EAC
- Testing upcoming features
- Community feedback
- Catching and banning cheaters
- Steam bug reports and general discussion
- Planning future events
- Bug reporting

- Adjusting trader prices
- Tooltips for upcoming features