Ooooh, the weather outside is frightful, but another hotfix is
so delightful! And since we've no place to go, check out the bug fixes and QOL additions below!

- Fixed a bug where prisoner would slide while resting
- Fixed a bug where prisoner doesn't take damage after ramming a dirtbike into a collision
- Fixed some areas of the map that didn't have water on them
- Fixed a random server crash

- You cannot disassemble the improvised flamethrower anymore
- Doors will now push vehicles when opened instead of clipping through them and destroying them
- Explosive arrows without delay will now explode at correct location
- Implemented collision damage for prisoner driving motorcycles
We are also currently investigating player-reported issues regarding stacking FPS drops, stay tuned for more info!
*A temporary fix which brings the FPS back to normal is logging out then logging back in.